Der neueste Gamecode für Ihren Flipperautomaten

Spielen Sie für die CPU Ihres Flippers mit dem aktuellsten Gamecode!

Wenn Sie Ihr Gerät einschalten, sollte die ROM-Gamecode-Version angezeigt werden.

Sie können auch das Systemmenü aufrufen (mit den Münztür-Tasten), die ROM-Gamecode-Version wird dann angezeigt.

Nach Erhalt entfernen Sie das alte EPROM aus Ihrer CPU, setzen das neue ein und schalten Ihre Maschine ein! Ein kostenloses Extraktionswerkzeug ist in jeder EPROM-Bestellung enthalten.

Verbesserter und neuer Spielcode

In Zusammenarbeit mit WMS sind wir stolz darauf, modifizierte Spielcode-EPROMS für Bally/Williams-Flipper zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dies ist das Ergebnis einer Zusammenarbeit mit Soren Worre, einem talentierten Softwareentwickler, der ursprüngliche Spielfehler behebt und Erweiterungen hinzufügt, um das Spiel insgesamt zu verbessern. 

Wir stellen auch neu entwickelte Spielcodes zur Verfügung, die von engagierten Flipperentwicklern entworfen wurden, die Hunderte von Stunden damit verbracht haben, daran zu arbeiten. Diese neuen EPROM-Spielcodes beheben nicht nur viele der Probleme, die in den Originalspielen vorhanden sind, sondern führen auch zusätzliche Funktionen ein, um das Gameplay zu verbessern.

Diese neuen EPROMs bieten den besten verfügbaren Gamecode, damit Sie das Beste aus Ihrem Spiel herausholen können!


Revision 5.01
Last updated January 13, 2025
Developper: Chad Hendrickson & Maximilian Spiegel


Replace the existing ROM in your game with the new ROM.
The CPU ROM can be found on the MPU board in the backbox at location C5.

The DISPLAY ROMs can be found behind the DMD display in the backbox at location ROM0 & ROM3


Well, the Riddler has really pulled one over on all of us! Ever since 1995, no one has noticed his grand prank! BRAIN DRAIN mode does not actually score ANY points. It shows the Event Total at the end of the mode but those points were never added to the score. The original game shows that it is scoring 10M, 20M, 30M, and 40M for each progressive CAVE Drop Target hit. Then earlier this year when I updated the code, I changed this to 20M, 40M, 60M, and 80M to help balance this very difficult mode with all the others. But it didn’t matter… because all this time no one ever noticed… those points have NEVER actually been ADDED to the game score! The Riddler tricked us!!!

Version 5.01 addresses the issue described above. While this was being fixed, several other enhancements, fixes, and balances have been implemented…

-All modes should now properly score points and add up correctly when showing the Event Total screens.  This has been an issue since 1995.  The modes that had issues were Brain Drain (all points would add to the Event Total but were never added to score), Crime Spree (Event Start bonus would add to the Event Total but was never added to score), Face Two-Face (Event Completion bonus would add to the Event Total but was never added to score), Safe Trap (Event Completion bonus would add to the Event Total but was never added to score), and Forever (22M bonus when hitting all Drop Targets would add to the Event Total but was never added to score).

-Increased countdown sound played during end of mode timers from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.
-Added unused voice call “Could be worse, Alfred” at the start of Enter Initials.
-Changed 4-Way Combo speech “Do you have a thing for bats?” to unused sound.
-Added new sound before voice call when collecting Bat Signals.
-Changed sound effect at Top Eject.
-Updated countdown sound for the last 5 seconds of Forever 60 Second Ball Save.
-Added unused voice call “Shoot The Batcave” when Multiball Ready is activated.
-Added sound effect when successfully completing Circus Countdown.
-Removed the free 10M at the start of each ball.
-Removed points from Batcave Exit Kicker.
-Fixed it so lighting the last unlit BAT Top Lane will also add 4M to score (to match the first two unlit BAT Top Lanes which grant 4M each).
-Changed Slingshots score from 51,310 to 151,310.
-Changed Left Ramp score from 1M to 3M.
-Changed Right Ramp score from 4M to 3M.
-Changed Mini U-Turn Ramp score from 5M to 4M.
-Changed Middle Ramp score from 4M to 5M.
-Changed VUK score from 10M to 4M.
-Changed Bat Equipment score from 1M to 3M.
-Changed loading Batwing score from 10M to 5M.
-Do not run the background walk-by animations and Shoot Bat With Gun For 50M challenge during Ball 1.
-Reduced how often Shoot Bat With Gun For 50M will trigger.
-Shortened Shoot Bat With Gun For 50M timer.
-Updated sound for successful Shoot Bat With Gun.
-Adjusted timing of Shooter Lane switch detection to allow ball to better settle before auto-launch.
-Interrupt 4-Way Combo and Batarang and Ramp Ball Save when hitting ? Targets, Good Head Targets, and Bad Head Targets.
-Don’t offer up pity Extra Ball Is Lit on Ball 2 if score is less than 100M, instead move it to Ball 3.
-Fixed Adjustment 27 “HSTD Reset Count” to be able to choose all numbers between 100 and 2000.

Batman Forever Unofficial v.5.00


-Allow Adjustment 13 “Tilt Warnings” set to be 0,1,2,3 instead of just 0,1,3. New default is 2.

-Changed Portals (Menu) navigation sound.

-Changed sound when scrolling through initials during “Enter Initials”.

-Added “6 Can Play” display screen to Attract Mode.

-Removed Batarang High Score reset after 9 game power ups. Batarang High Score will now reset only when the regular High Scores are reset.

-Added missing “Batarang High Score” display effect to “Attract Mode”. Batarang High Score will be shown after the regular 1-6 High Scores.

-Changed default “Batarang High Score” to 2.

-Tweaked Attract Mode timer logic. The timer will now get reset at the start of the Match animation instead of at the end. This timer determines if the game will play the Long or Short game intro animation. Long intro will be played only if Attract Mode has been running for 1 minute.

-Added music to previously silent “Enter Initials” for Regular and Batarang High Scores.

-Added music to the previously silent “Buy-In” screen.

-Prevented the game from showing Sega phone number in Portals>Diag>Serv.

-Adjustment 52 “Novice Game Available” now defaults to “No”.

-Fixed some difficulty Adjustments which were accidentally reversed in the original Sega software.
For Example if it stated Extra-Easy it was basically Extra-Hard and vice versa.
Adjustment 49 Double Jackpot Criterion and Adjustment 50 Arm Batwing Difficulty was affected.

-Opening the coin door will now play an alert sound instead of a voice call.

-Added a pause at the game power up so the voice call “Suppose we flip for it” won’t get cut off.

-Disabled Audit 10 “Total Earnings” functionality. It can still be seen but will always show “Undefined Coinage”. This was done to free up more space, to allow more changes within this update.


-Increased the time the Start button needs to be held down to restart a game.

-Added a sound effect to when the “Skill Shot” selection changes.


-Reduced speed of Bonus Count to be able to see the “Bonus Total” screen longer.

-Aborting the Bonus Count no longer awards 5M.


-Increased difficulty to start a Gotham Event(Mode). If a Mode was started with a Skill Shot and has then been completed, the next Mode was immediately ready to start at the Right Orbit. Made it so that the player is now required to re-lite the Gotham Events shot at the Right Orbit by hitting all 5 “?” targets before another mode can be started.

-For non-tournament game start the game now picks between 5 random modes instead of just 2.
Original: “Face Two Face” or “Crime Spree”
New: “Face Two Face”, “Crime Spree”, “Too Many Question Marks”, “Brain Drain”, or “Safe Trap”

-Prevent “Light Extra Ball” Mode to be locked in with the Bat Gun(Ball Launch). Instead, the voice call “I don’t think so” is played if the player tries to lock that mode in.

Rooftop Chase

-Fixed an issue where the Batmobile would not crash properly when hitting some of the obstacles.

-GI is now off during this video mode.

-Added sound effect for passing obstacles.

-Changed sound effect for hitting a 10M sign and added a flasher effect.

-Changed sound effect for crashing the Batmobile.

-Added a longer pause at the beginning of the Mode to be able to read instructions better.

-Readjusted speed of the mode. First half of the video mode is played at reduced speed. To help new players get a better understanding of how the mode works.

-Added a “Flawless” bonus of 50M to the Mode total score if the player reaches the end without crashing and also collected all 10M signs. If this happens, voice call “Fortune smiles on you, my friend” will be played.

Too Many Question Marks

-Added voice call “Say Please” at the start of the mode.

-Added progressive scoring. Target value starts with 20M and increases (all targets) by 3M with each hit. 20M, 23M, 26M, etc…

-Mode total display effect now states “Event Total” instead of “Event Completed” because it’s impossible to “complete” a time based mode.

Face Two-Face

-Changed voice call at the start of the mode from “The Bat wants to play, fine we’ll play” to “Hi, we’re Two-Face”

-Fixed a display issue, where the value shown on the display didn’t match the value the game actually awarded.

-Increased the initial target value from 10M to 12M.

-Increased mode completion bonus from 30M to 60M to be similar to all other modes.

-Fixed an issue, where the “bing” and “face punch” sound for hitting a coin target could be missing or were delayed.

Crime Spree

-Changed sound for collecting a Jackpot at the Right Ramp.

-Slingshot switches will now also award the current target hit value.

-The target hit value, which initially starts at 250k and raises by 250k after 10 switch hits, will now raise after 8 instead of 10 switch hits.

-Fixed an issue, where the “face punch” sound for hitting a switch was delayed.

-Reduced mode start bonus from 15M to 10M to be the same as all other modes.

-Mode total display effect now states “Event Total” instead of “Event Completed” because it’s impossible to “complete” a time based mode.

Brain Drain

-Fixed an issue where the music sometimes did not start properly at the beginning of the mode.

-Reduced mode start bonus from 15M to 10M to be the same as all other modes.

-Increased the value for spelling(hitting) a C-A-V-E target in the CORRECT order.
Original: C=10M, A=20M, V=30M, E=40M
New: C=20M, A=40M, V=60M, E=80M

-Increased the value for spelling(hitting) a C-A-V-E target in the WRONG order from 5M to 10M.

-Added previously missing 50M mode completion bonus.

-Changed sound for spelling(hitting) a C-A-V-E target in the correct order.

-Added new previously unused music to the Extra Ball Hurry Up.

-Added “bell” sound effect for the Extra Ball Hurry Up timer expiring.

-Extra Ball Hurry Up timer will now get paused as other timers do when the ball is in VUK>Lock sequence.

Safe Trap

-Increased ramp value from 25M to 35M.


-Added flashing “The Bat Lives”(Shoot Again) light during the first 60 seconds of Forever to signal the player having unlimited balls.

-Added unused “Horn” sound effect at the end of the 60 seconds Forever timer to notify the player about the expiring unlimited ball saver.

-Added new previously unused sound effect for Forever Jackpot

-Return back to regular game music after Forever has ended.


-Reworked “Multiball Ready” lightshow. The GI no longer flashes. Also removed some unnecessary flashers from the show.

-Reduced GI Flashing after collecting a Jackpot.

-Removed U-Turn Mini Ramp and Top Left Eject from Multiball Restart. Multiball now needs to be restarted at the Lock VUK.

-Increased the pause after the Lock VUK has been hit for Multiball Restart so the Multiball restart display video is not cut off.

-Return back to regular game music after Multiball has ended.

-Fixed ball release logic from physical ball lock at Multiball start. Under some circumstances balls were released too quickly and could overlap each other.

-Added logic to the CAVE Drop Targets during Multiball so they no longer just reset after a single hit. Completing the CAVE target bank will now increase both Chase and Robin (Left and Right Ramp Jackpots) by 5M each. This also greatly reduces stress on the Drop Target coil.

-Added Ball Lock 2 sound effect to be the same as Ball Lock 1 sound effect along with the “Lock Two!” voice call.

-Increased Super Jackpot value from 250M to 300M.

-Added new previously unused sound effect for Super Jackpot. (Same as new Forever Jackpot)


-Added current Bonus X value to Instant Info.

-Fixed an issue where Instant Info would not start over properly after all pages were shown.

-Fixed an issue where the Batarang shots were not properly reset to zero at game start.

-Fixed an issue where shooting the Left Orbit would falsely count as 2 hits for Batboat Cruising.

-Fixed an issue where the Batboat Cruising(Combo) shot value could go up to 33M instead of 30M.

-Increased Batboat Cruising(Combo) timer slightly to prevent expiring due to slow ramp shots.

-Reduced GI flashing when a Pop Bumper is hit while Super Pops is active.

-Added new sound effect for hitting a Pop Bumper while Super Pops is active.

-Added 4-Way Combo display screen.

-Fixed Bat Equipment counter. The game now properly starts with zero collected items at game start.

-Amount of Bat Equipment required to be collected for Super Laser Kick has been reduced from 10 to 5. This reduces the chance that a Display reset bug will activate.

-Fixed an issue where the “Super Laser Kick” animation was shown before the Bat Computer animation showed the item being collected.

-Rebalanced Mr. E awards. Especially “20X Bonus” is now less likely to get awarded.

-Tweaked sounds for hitting unlit/lit “?” targets during Mainplay.

-Added “You Betcha” voice call when shooting the Mini U-Turn ramp qualifying for “X out of X Mini-Ramps for Mr. E”

-Fixed an issue where various mode and game logic timers could get messed up when the coin door was opened.

-Left ramp enter switch will now flash actual (under playfield)ramp flasher instead of blue pop bumper flasher dome.

-All game timers will now pause briefly when the ball is in the top left eject. Since it can sometimes take multiple tries to get the ball back out on the playfield area.


I would like to thank Maximilian Spiegel for his outstanding assistance with this update. Maximilian’s deep knowledge of pinball rules is truly remarkable. Soon after we finished working on X-Files, we started working on Batman Forever together. Maximilian’s meticulous analysis of the smallest details is incredible. His suggestions, feedback, and testing were invaluable. A huge “THANK YOU” to Maximilian Spiegel for his exceptional contributions!

Also, a special thanks to Tom Lucht for lending me his Batman Forever pinball machine so I could do this update.  Thanks Tom!


Revision 4.01
Last updated December 2, 2017
Developper: Chad Hendrickson


Replace the existing ROM in your game with the new ROM.
The CPU ROM can be found on the MPU board in the backbox at location C5.


The more difficult Skill Shots are now worth more points. Skill Shot THREE OF A KIND AWARD remains 50M but VARIETY AWARD is now worth 150M to incentivize player to attempt all three Skill Shots.
Fixed bug where a successfully completed CPR mode previously did not grant 50M Completion Bonus points.
Instead of rescuing 10 swimmers for 20M each, you only have to rescue 8 swimmers for 25M each.
Fixed Diver Trapped bug so correct bonus is displayed and granted.
Each hit to the bank of SHARK targets kills one shark for 10M. Each hit to the SHARK SUPER SCOOP kills all sharks remaining in wave for DOUBLE POINTS.
No limit to amount of times you can collect double points via SHARK SUPER SCOOP.
Fixed bug where very first Successful Rescue would not count. Failed rescues no longer count against you so you are now only limited by the timer. Fixed bug where a successfully completed Tidal Wave mode previously did not grant 50M Completion Bonus points.
Allowed full Left Ramp shot to also function as Jackpot during Earthquake if Left Ramp Trap Door is disabled (now available via Adjustment 51) or broken.
Shark Awards now progress faster.  Shark Award #3 (SHARK) is now on a 1 minute timer instead of being enabled for remainder of ball, this allows the player to continue to progress with the collecting of the higher Shark Awards without having to drain the ball.
Default auto advancement of Ball Lock has been modified.  You are no longer guaranteed All Locks Lit on Ball 2 by default.
End Of Ball Bonus is now ( 1M + (1M x GUARD) + (2M x LIFEGUARD) + (3M x RESCUE MISSION) ) x SPF BONUS MULTIPLIER.
SPF Bonus Multiplier will now increase twice as fast (was 2X>3X>4X>5X>6X>7X>8X>9X>10X, is now 2X>4X>6X>8X>10X).
Gate timings have been adjusted to be more lenient so ball should be routed correctly more often.
Detailed Notes
  • Increased default value of Shark Hole Skill Shot from 20M to 40M.
  • Randomized lit Top Lane at start of each ball during non-tournament play.
  • Shark Jackpot lamp now flashes along with Shark Scoop lamp to better indicate Skill Shot 2 shot.
  • Increased Skill Shot Variety Award from 50M to 150M to incentivize player to attempt all three Skill Shots.
  • Failed Skill Shot will now play a previously unused quick descending sound effect that sounds more appropriate for a failure event.
  • Fixed bug where a successfully completed CPR mode previously did not grant 50M Completion Bonus points.
  • Changed successful CPR shot to say unused “Nice rescue” and ensure Rescue Successful is shown on display.
  • Fixed bug where bad sound plays at start of CPR in the middle of the voice call of “OK everyone here’s the situation, some swimmers need help, shoot the ramp to apply CPR”.
  • Updated Chopper Rescue requirement of 10 swimmers at 20M per swimmer to 8 swimmers at 25M per swimmer.
  • Added previously unused voice calls of “Shoot the left/middle/right ramp” to roving Ramp Shots at end of Chopper Rescue to help player know which ramp to shoot.
  • Made it so roving Ramp moves every 5 seconds instead of odd pattern of 4/4/2 seconds.
  • Removed “I guess you could say it was pretty good” from random choice during Chopper Rescue gameplay and replaced with “We’re in route”.
  • Fixed Diver Trapped bug so correct bonus is displayed and granted with each successful Hole shot.
  • Removed constant flashing under playfield of the Left Orbit flasher to avoid confusion of where to shoot since Left Orbit is not a shot used in this mode.
  • Added helicopter sound effects to end of Diver Trapped before collecting Extra Ball.
  • Added voice call of “Extra Ball” to successful Shoot Hole For Extra Ball at end of Diver Trapped.
  • Allowed Shark Cove to honor the Shark Super Scoop for multiple shots.
  • Keep Shark Super Scoop lamp flashing for entire Shark Cove mode.
  • Doubled points for Shark Super Scoop shot.
  • Flash double point bonus on display for Shark Super Scoop shots during Shark Cove.
  • Increased pause when displaying Shark Cove Completion Bonus.
  • Fixed bug where game is supposed to pause and hold ball in Upper Ball Launch until start of mode voice call is completed. This pause can be aborted by hitting both flippers.
  • Made it so Side Ramp Jackpot lamp flashes along with Spell Ironman lamp to better indicate Rescue Jackpot shot.
  • Made it so only successful saves count towards the 3 tries.
  • Fixed bug where the very first successful rescue would not count.
  • Fixed Tidal Wave to properly end on three successful rescues only.
  • Fixed bug where 10M is erroneously granted sometimes to “Successful Rescue” during Tidal Wave.
  • Fixed bug where it was possible for Side Ramp lamp to be stuck flashing after end of mode.
  • Fixed bug where a successfully completed Tidal Wave mode previously did not grant 50M Completion Bonus points.
  • Increased Tourist Season Ball Save Timer from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • Added flashing Shoot Again lamp while Ball Save is active at start of Tourist Season.
  • Side Ramp Jackpot lamp now flashes along with Spell Ironman lamp to better indicate Jackpot shot during second section of this mode.
  • Allowed full Left Ramp shot to also function as Jackpot during Earthquake if Left Ramp Trap Door is disabled (now available via Adjustment 51) or broken.
  • Turned off G.I. during Water Skier Video Mode.
  • Adjusted scoring of Water Ski video mode from 1M per passed obstacle to 3M per passed obstacle.
  • Fixed bug so center ramp will now correctly score when hit on the left-center.
  • Fixed bug at end of Water Skier where last ramp does not count.
  • Fixed bug to prevent incorrectly adding ghost points at end after final ramp.
  • Prevented “Alright” voice call from being cut short at end of Water Skier Video mode.
  • Added 50M Completion Bonus for successfully completing Water Skier Video mode.
  • Allowed all of intro video for Ironman to play and allow it to be aborted with both flippers.
  • Added motor boat sound to Video Mode intro for Ironman.
  • Changed music during Ironman to previously unused music.
  • Increased amount for hitting flippers from 250,000 to 500,000 per hit.
  • Added “Well Done” voice call to winning Video Mode Ironman race.
  • Increased bonus for successfully completing Ironman from 20M to 50M.
  • Added previously unused “Search and rescue” voice call to Search & Rescue display.
  • Will now display the SPF Bonus Multiplier video if granted during Search & Rescue.
  • Will now display X Million video if granted during Search & Rescue.
  • Will now display Super Laser Kick video if granted during Search & Rescue.
  • Rearranged collection of Search & Rescue and Ironman so S&R comes first to prevent Ironman Video Mode from being played twice in a row.
  • Increased minimum Search & Rescue award of 10 Million to 25 Million during non-tournament play.
  • Allowed for faster Shark Awards progression.
  • Changed Shark Award #3 to be on a 1 minute timer.
  • Extended timer for Switch 54 related to Shark Flipper to allow successful Shark Award to register more often.
  • Adjusted successful Shark Flip Award to grant 25M instead of 10M.
  • Made it so if Adjustment 50 is set to 99 then automatic Shark Flip is disabled.
  • Extended timer of Ball Save for Laser Kick.
  • Added previously unused “Looks like he’s going to pull through” voice call to Laser Kick.
  • Changed Adjustment 47 (Lock Qualify Criterion) so each completion of Drop Targets will advance lock by 1.
  • Made it so Auto Advance of Locks between balls will only do 1 on Moderate (Default).
  • New light show at Start of Multiball where game is dark except for both flashers alternate on boat siren to make Multiball intro more dramatic.
  • Return to regular game music at the end of Multiball.
  • Fixed bug where Instant Info doesn’t properly display if there is a Bonus Multiplier.
  • Fixed bug where it will display 11X SPF Multiplier even though it is really 10X.
  • Removed long Pause at end of Instant Info so it will cycle properly.
  • Slowed down EOB Bonus screens slightly.
  • Removed 1M bonus for aborting EOB Bonus.
  • Fixed EOB bug where every 5th GUARD letter and every 5th Life Guard collected would not add to EOB totals.
  • Fixed EOB bug so it will calculate and display Rescue Mission bonus correctly.
  • Fixed EOB bug where SPF Bonus Multiplier would display 11X multiplier even though it is really 10X.
  • Increased Lifeguard EOB to be 2M per collected Lifeguard instead of 1M.
  • Set SPF Bonus Multiplier to increase twice as fast (new progression is 2X, 4X, 6X, 8X, 10X).
  • Added Shark Chomp Initials to Attract Mode which is now only achievable via successful Shark Super Scoop Jackpot during Multiball.
  • Added sound effects to SHARK target that has already been hit.
  • Added sound effects to previously silent 3-Way Combo award.
  • Updated mode timers that were 43 seconds to now be an even 40 seconds.
  • Made it so mode specific voice calls play more often when ball rolls over inlane switches.
  • Increased Baywatch Millions start from 1M to 2M.
  • Disabled ability to select PRNT from the Main Menu.
  • Disabled ability to select SERV from the DIAG menu (to prevent showing Sega phone number).
  • Fixed flash sequence to flash both lamps on boat siren on playfield more often.
  • Removed logic around Average Ball Time to no longer penalize a player if the previous players had longer ball times.
  • Increased power to Trough VUK.
  • Fixed bug where High Coil Power will break Upper Control Gate functionality.
  • Setting of Tilt Warnings = 2 is now allowed and default is 2.
  • Extended start-of-ball Ball Save timer slightly.
  • Made it so Adjustment 51 will Enable or Disable the Left Ramp Trap Door (default is Enabled/Yes). If the Trap Door is disabled then a regular Left Ramp shot will always count as the same Lock or Jackpot shot.
  • Reduced the amount of GI OFF/ON flashing.
  • Gate timings have been adjusted to be more lenient so ball should be routed correctly more often.


You will want to adjust your automatic SHARK FLIP to maximize successful shots. You can adjust this by going into Service Mode. Remove the glass and eject one ball. Then go into DIAG and scroll all the way to the right and select BAY (this icon looks like the lifeguard tower). This will bring up the SHARK FLIPPER CONTROL adjustment and will allow you to play with the switch and see how the ball/flipper behaves over and over as you make changes to this setting. The ball will automatically eject from the Shark Scoop as you are testing in this mode. Keep trying until you find the best setting. Note, if you set this adjustment to 99, it will disable automatic Shark Flip.


While this CPU patch does not make any changes to the DISPLAY ROMs, you want to make sure your game is running DISPLAY VERSION 4.00 for proper game functionality. You can verify this by checking the very first screen that is displayed when you power on your game.


Creature From The Black Lagoon
Revision 5.1
12 November 2023


Changes designed and implemented by Soren Worre.

Based on the revision L-4 software released in 1992 by Williams Electronics Games Inc.

The author would like to thank the designers of this pinball machine.

Special thanks to Jesper Graver.


A bug concerning entering high scores when in tournament mode, fixed.
Broken features within the modes Multiball, Big millions, Snack attack and Move your car are fixed.
Random elements within the modes Multiball, Snack bar and Playgound can now be set to run in patterns.
Two new feature adjustments.
The never used left inlane scoring indicators now have a purpose.
Upgraded lamp procedure.


Fully suitable for competition play.
Supports LED lamps.
No playfield indicators left for incomplete usage.

Detailed changes description

Reference to the L-4 revision.

New feature adjustment A.2 19 “Girl search”.
– “Random”: As rev. L-4. The girl is located at a randomly chosen Search target.
– “Pattern”: The girl is always at the second Search target made. And third Search target after a jackpot (rest of game, player individual).
– “T-play”: When tournament play selected: As the “Pattern” option. Else as the “Random” option.

Default: “T-play”.

New feature adjustment A.2 20 “Tournament play Snack bar Unlimited millions”.
– “No”: When tournament play selected: The Snack bar will never award the Unlimited millions mode.
– “Yes”: When tournament play selected: The Snack bar will award the Unlimited millions mode (see awards pattern).

Default: “No”.

The 10B Snack attack bug, fixed.
Snack attack count down lands nicely on 10M.

255 bumper hits to light Super jackpot bug, fixed.
Bumper hits to light Super jackpot not resetting on a next multiball bug, fixed.

1x “maxed” playfield multiplier bug, fixed.

Bonus-x calculation corrected to be as indicated by the game. 1x/2x/4x/6x/8x/10x.
Bonus base value raised by a factor-3.

A bug where Move your car was not running properly after a multiball, fixed.

A bug where Snack attack was incorrectly promoted on the right ramp count-up display, fixed.

When tournament play selected: Playground award is following a fixed pattern. Player individual.
Playground award order: Unlimited millions, Jet bumpers, Intermission time and then start over.

When tournament play selected: Snack bar awards follow a fixed pattern. Player individual.

When adj. A.2 20 “Tournament play Snack bar Unlimited millions” is set to “No”:
Before a multiball has been played: F, L or M letter once (if needed and in that order). Then random points ones.
After a multiball has been played: Random points ones only.

When adj. A.2 20 “Tournament play Snack bar Unlimited millions” is set to “Yes”:
Before a multiball has been played: F, L or M letter once (if needed and in that order). Then random points ones.
After a multiball has been played: Unlimited millions once. Then random points ones.

When tournament play selected: Tap a button in attract mode to show the latest game scores.

The 10M, 20M and 30M indicators are brought to life.
The Big millions mode offers a one time only award on the left inlane.
10M, 20M or 30M based on timing.

A bug where the European region installs the hard pre-set on a factory reset, fixed.

The lamp matrix procedure is upgraded to better prevent “ghosting” when LED lamps are used.

Adjustment A.1 21 “Language” is limited to “English”.

Adjustment A.1 28 “Min. vol override” defaults to “Yes”.


The Snack bar Unlimited millions, after a multiball played, is any multiball played.
When selected, the Unlimited millions mode is victory laps for the multiball.

Snach bar random points ones are: Popcorn (1M), Hot dog (2M), Hot pretzel (4M), Ice cold pop (4M) and Hamburger (5M).

The incremented bonus base value is to compensate that the max bonus-x is reduced from the incorrect 32x to 10x.
High X bonus is by this a similar payoff. Low X bonus will get a boost.

Feature adjustement A.2 3 “Multiball” is of no use.
At least as of rev. L-4, the game is not awarding multiball at the Snack bar mystery.

The Big millions mode left inlane award is also given when the inlane is made on a ramp shot return.
In L-4, the indicators were used for light show only.
The Big millions mode is also running during Super scoring. But will end (time out) before the Super scoring umbrella mode is ending.

Sound board software

To be installed with sound board software rev. L-1.


Copyright 1992, 2020 Williams Electronics Games Inc. & Planetary Pinball Supply Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.


Demolition Man
Revision 7.0
1 March 2022


Changes designed and implemented by Soren Worre.

Based on the revision LX-4 software released in 1994 by Williams Electronics Games Inc.

The author would like to thank the designers of this pinball machine.

Special thanks to Brian Olsen and Ron Hallett.


Claw awards can be configured to not allow re-picks of awards.
Computer mystery awards can be set to run in a fixed pattern rather than randomised.
Upgraded lamp procedure.


No repeat selection of the superior Quick freeze award.
Highly strategic play for Computer awards.
Better suitable for competition play.
Supports LED lamps.

Detailed changes description

Reference to the LX-4 revision.

New feature adjustment A.2 26 “Claw re-picks”. Options: “Points” and “Award”.
“Points”: Selecting a Claw exit which is already lit will award 10M points only.
“Award”: As rev. LX-4. Claw exits are always awarding its mode/progress.

Default: “Points”.

New feature adjustment A.2 27 “T-play Computer awards”. Options: “Fixed” and “Random”.
“Fixed”: When Tournament play selected, the Computer will do awards in the following sequence (player individual).
– Light explode.
– Collect standups.
– Collect bonus.
– Maximize freezes.
– 3x car crash.
– Light arrows.
– 2x retina scan.
“Random”: As rev. LX-4. When Tournament play selected, the Computer will do awards in a random sequence. But same for all players.

Default: “Fixed”.

New DMD sequence for when Claw re-pick awards points only.

The lamp matrix procedure is upgraded to better prevent “ghosting” when LED lamps are used.

Adjustment A.1 21 “Language” is limited to “English”.

Adjustment A.1 28 “Min. vol override” defaults to “Yes”.


Claw awards un-light when the fifth one has been selected.
No requirement to play Demolition time first.

The Computer award sequence is carefully chosen: points, multiball progress, more points, better multiball progress, …

Sound board software

To be installed with the standard (non Vulgar) sound board software rev. L-2.

U2 SHA1: F2E912113D08B230E32AEEB4143485F266574FA2
U3 SHA1: 7796082ECD7AF29A240190AFF654320375502A8B
U4 SHA1: FB4BE63DEE54A883884F1600565011CB9740A866
U5 SHA1: F8F2F083B644517582A748BDA0A3F69C14583F13
U6 SHA1: BC4EFDEE44FF635771629A2BDE79E230B7643F31
U7 SHA1: 4D70BCE8A96343AFCF02C89240B11FAF19E11F02


Copyright 1994, 2022 Williams Electronics Games Inc. & Planetary Pinball Supply Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim,
damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from,
out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.


Revision 5.01
Last updated March 11, 2018
Developer: Chad Hendrickson


Replace the existing ROMs in your game with these two new ROMs.
The CPU ROM can be found on the MPU board in the backbox at location C5.
The DISPLAY ROM can be found behind the DMD display in the backbox at location ROM0.


The impetus for this v.5.01 release was to fix a bug that was discovered in v.5.00 that affected a small number of Hook machines where it would cause the display to reset when hitting a Drop Target or viewing Instant Info. Since I was releasing an update, I figured I would polish off a few more things to make Hook even better! If you are already running v.5.00, then you only need to update the CPU ROM to v.5.01 because the DISPLAY ROM is unchanged and remains v.5.00.

The updates found in v.5.01 include:

Changed the way the Ramp Value is displayed when hitting Drop Targets and during Instant Info to fix a display reset bug that affected a small number of games.
Rearranged Instant Info order so Bonus is directly followed by Bonus Multiplier.
Extended Attract Mode Instructions to include two extra instructions and associated flashing lamps.
Adjusted audio played during Attract Mode to better match animations.
Shoot Again insert will now flash to indicate when start-of-ball Ball Save is active.
Croc Time insert will now flash during Croc Time to indicate where to shoot.
Fast Scoring and Croc Time music have been swapped which allows the upper right flasher to flash during Croc Time.
Slightly extended pause before Croc Time score starts counting down.
Made it so Multiball Restart will be offered if the player does not hit a Jackpot and drains all balls except for one within 20 seconds instead of 12 seconds of the start of Multiball.
Fixed music at end of failed Multiball Restart to properly return to normal game music.
Made it so Match Sequence will now also play if Games Awards is set to Extra Ball. Previously this would only play if Game Awards was set to Credit.
Made it so Victory will now also play if Game Awards is set to Extra Ball. Previously this would only play if Game Awards was set to Credit.
Made it so successful Victory will award 15M instead of 8M.
Changed sound effect played for successful Victory from cuckoo sound effect to previously unused jackpot sound effect to better indicate the collection of this bonus.
Reduced G.I. OFF/ON flashing overall.
Set warning alarm at end of timers to all be consistently 2 seconds.
Made Lane Change work in both directions depending on press of Left Flipper or Right Flipper buttons.
Adjusted logic on Drop Targets to better guarantee that they will register during Pirate Town.
Adjusted Tournament Mode Pirate Town static switch count from 80 to 40 switch hits.
Removed the 20% limit on Ball 3 from Mystery Award Extra Ball Is Lit. This gives the player a path to be able to collect an Extra Ball if one has not already been collected.
Bangarang starting bonus has been increased from 5M to 25M.
Fixed bug with Bangarang where hitting Strike switch would sometimes cause the Bangarang bonus to display 5M instead of current bonus.


Changed Adjustment sounds.

Changed Tilt Warning default from 1 to 2.

Extended time that previous scores are displayed during Attract Mode.

Replaced Hook animation during Attract Mode with Peter Pan flying up.

Added Hook animation to start of game.

Do not play Replay value animation at start of Ball 1.

Forced MISSED video to always play.

Reduced Right Return Lane timer.

Made it so VUK will only spot Weapon Target if Right Return Lane timer is active always.

Made it so Top Lanes will flash when all collected.

Increased score when Top Lanes are completed when Bonus is Max from 500,000 to 1M.

Removed Ball Time Average logic from Left Outlane timer to light the ability to relight Laser Kick.

Changed unused Adjustment 43 from Loop Timer to Weapon Advance. This new adjustment allows you to set how many Weapons will auto-advance between balls. Choices are Extra Easy = 3, Easy = 2, Factory = 1, Hard and Extra Hard = 0.


Fixed bug so Ball Save timer starts when gameplay starts for each ball instead of when ball is plunged.

Increased Ball Save Switches hit logic from 2 to 3.

Changed Adjustment 40 from # Of Tickets Per Award to Ball Save Timer Seconds. This new adjustment allows you to set how many seconds you want Ball Save to be at the start of each ball. Choices range from 0 to 15 seconds with a default of 10 seconds.

Increased Ball Save timer on Right Scoop eject from 1 seconds to 2 seconds.

Added “Try Again” voice call to Try Again video.


Fixed Instant Info to properly display Croc Clock and Fast Scoring.

Fixed Instant Info to properly display Multiplier.

Reduced timing of long pause during Instant Info.

Slightly extended pause of Clock Value during Instant Info.


Three Right Ramp shots are now required to start AM/PM/Croc Clock.

Initial Clock Value gained for starting mode remains 5M, but subsequent Clock Value bonus for shooting VUK or Right Ramp bonus during mode has been reduced from 5M to 3M.

Forced Clock Value video to always play when hitting VUK during Croc Clock.

Forced Clock Value video to always play when hitting Right Ramp during Croc Clock.

Prevented AM/PM Clock from advancing during Bangarang.


Value of regular Mystery Awards has been increased.

Mystery Award will be 5M after “5 MIL” has been collected at Right Scoop for remainder of game or until Bangarang.


Ability to advance Left Ramp Value has been removed from Left Ramp shot. Can now only be advanced by hitting Drop Targets. Each single Drop Target dropped will increase Left Ramp Value. Maximum Left Ramp value has been increased from 3M to 15M. Every shot to the Drop Targets will display the current Left Ramp Value. Player can also check current Left Ramp Value in Instant Info.

Left Ramp Value now increases like this:  250,000 > 500,000 > 750,000 > 1M > 2M > 3M > 4M > 5M > 6M > 7M > 8M > 9M> 10M > 11M > 12M > 15M. Left Ramp Value will reset to 250,000 at the start of each ball.

Making Left Ramp shot will start a timer that will either reset the Left Ramp Value to 250,000 if Left Ramp Value was 3M or greater, or will start slowly reducing Left Ramp Value if the Left Ramp value was 2M or less. This will allow to the player to make two or three Left Ramp shots at it full current value before it resets or begins to reduce. If player hits any Drop Target before this timer ends then the Left Ramp Value will not reset and will remain at its current value. This introduces a whole new strategy around the Left Ramp and Drop Targets.

Hitting all Drops Targets immediately adds 1M to score instead of 300,000 and flashes “1,000,000” on display then resets bank.


Removed randomness and equalized the Scoop selection.

Organized the six Scoop selections so they rotate in order when hitting Pop Bumpers.

Lite Bumpers

Original:  Timer is 20 seconds.  All pop bumpers are worth 500,000.

Update: Timer is 30 seconds.  All pop bumpers are worth 1M.

5 Mil

Original:  Collect 5M immediately once.

Update: Collect 5M immediately and every time you make Right Scoop Mystery Shot for remainder of game or until Bangarang.

Lite Croc Time

Original:  Countdown bonus starts at 15M and ends at 10M. Shoot Right Ramp to collect.

Update: Countdown bonus starts at 25M and ends at 5M. Shoot Right Ramp to collect. Made Croc Clock countdown twice as fast to compensate for wider scoring range.

Fast Scoring

Original:  Timer is 15 seconds. Bonus starts at 2M. All switches add 500,000 to bonus.

Update: Timer is 20 seconds. Bonus starts at 2M. All switches add 500,000 to bonus.

Skull 20 Mil

Original:  Timer is 10 seconds. Shoot Skull for 20M. Ball is immediately ejected.

Update: Timer is 15 seconds. Shoot Skull for 20M. Game will now pause before ejecting ball when collecting Skull to allow player to watch Skill 20 Million animation.

Max ‘X’

Original:  Set Bonus Multiplier to 10X and Bonus Hold.

Update: No Change.


Original:  Timer is 19 seconds. Bangarang bonus starts at 5M. Each shot to Right Ramp or Skull will increase by Bangarang Bonus by 5M. 25M added to Bangarang bonus at end of mode.

Update: Timer is 25 seconds. Bangarang bonus starts at 5M. Each shot to Right Ramp, Skull, Left Ramp, Strike, or VUK will increase Bangarang Bonus by 5M. Forced 5,000,000 video to play when collecting Bangarang bonus.


Increased Multiball Jackpot starting value by 5M so now first jackpot is 10M, second is 15M, third+ is 20M.

Reduced pause between Jackpots so now they can be immediately collected one after another.


Set all switches to only add 1 to the EOB Bonus count. Previously this was not consistant.

Made it so Top Lane switches will also add to EOB Bonus count.

Made it so Right Ramp Exit will also add to EOB Bonus count.

Increased EOB Bonus by 10X (Original = 1,000 per switch. Update = 10,000 per switch).


Coordinated Video/Sounds correctly during Out Lane so Big Value or I’ve Lost My Marbles is consistent.

Amount collected for I’ve Lost My Marbles has been reduced. This is to incentivize the player to collect Big Value via Lane Change on Outlane ball drains.

Fixed bug where End Of Ball music would start twice.

Added to pause when showing Fast Scoring Bonus at end of ball.

Added to pause when showing Croc Clock Bonus at end of ball.

End of Ball – Shortened pause after showing Bonus.

End of Ball – Shortened pause after showing Current Score Big by a little bit.

End of Ball and Start of Game – Shortened pause after showing Replay Value.

Removed pause just before Game Over is displayed.

Moved Entering Initials to run before Match Sequence.

Shortened pause during ENTER INITIALS so you don’t see FREE PLAY/INSERT COIN afterwards.

Adjusted Default High Scores.

Fixed bug where High Scores will get reset sometimes when player achieves World Record score.

Slowed down High Score animation (delay was 1.6 sec per score and is now 1.9 sec)


Changed Adjustment 39 from Ticket Dispenser to Tournament Mode. This new adjustment will set all random elements (Pirate Switch Count, Pirate Award, Mystery Award) to predefined amounts, will remove the Pity Multiball offering on Ball 3, and set the following Adjustments. Adjustment  3 – Replay Levels = OFF, Adjustment  4 – Game Awards = NONE, Adjustment  6 – Limit Extra Balls = 0, Adjustment 16 – Tilt Warnings = 2.


Removed score flash right before MISSED skill shot video plays.

Removed score flash right before collecting Clock value when hitting VUK.

Removed score flash right before collecting Clock value when hitting Right Ramp.

Removed score flash right before Shoot Again video.

Fixed bug where umpire Ball count repeats Ball 1.

Fixed bug with Timer after ejecting ball from Right Scoop so Right Scoop will always register even if ball is immediately shot back into it after being ejected from it.

Fixed bug so now Croc Clock is prevented from Rolling over from 99 to 0 Million.

Fixed bug so now Fast Scoring is prevented from Rolling over from 99 to 0 Million.

Fixed bug so now Bangarang is prevented from Rolling over from 99 to 0 Million.

Fixed bug so now Jackpot is prevented from rolling over from 99 to 0 Million.

Fixed bug where High Scores will get reset sometimes when player achieves World Record score.

Fixed bug where Extra Ball would be offered on Last Ball if Adjustment 6 – Limit Ex Balls has been reached.


Changed Shoot Again voice call from “Try Again” to previously unused “Come Back And Fight Me Now”.

Changed music played during Skull to previously unused music.

Changed music played during Croc Time to previously unused music.

Added SFX to AM video (ticktock).

Added SFX to PM video (chime).

Changed Clock Value Jackpot sound from Growl to Clock Chime.

Changed SFX when collecting Croc Time Bonus from Cuckoo to Unused Bonus SFX.

Fixed B-B-Bangarang voice call at start of Bangarang.

Changed Bangarang voice call during mode to include fanfare.

Changed voice call for during Shoot Ramp Now and Multiball from “Shoot It” to “Try At The Ramp”.


Junk Yard
Revision 2.0
31 October 2020


Changes designed and implemented by Soren Worre.

Based on the revision 1.2 software released in 1996 by Williams Electronics Games Inc.

The author would like to thank the designers of this pinball machine.


The video modes in the game are toned down.
For better flow of the game and because video mode was too easy to repeat playing.
The hugh scoring potential of the Super skill shot now limited.
The under exposed Time machine mode (in competition play) can now be played more than once per game.
Two new feature adjustments.


Better suitable for competition play.
Much more enjoyable without the overly exposed video modes.
The Time machine feature is more into play.

Detailed changes description

Reference to the 1.2 revision.

New feature adjustment A.2 18 “Time machine per mode completion”. Options: “Yes” and “No”.
– “Yes”: Completing an Adventure mode will light Time machine.
– “No”: As rev. 1.2.

Default: “Yes”.

New feature adjustment A.2 19 “Super skill shot”. Options: “Standard”, “Moderate” and “Disable”.
– “Standard”: As rev. 1.2. Super skill shot offers up to 10 shots for at total of 13.75M points.
– “Moderate”: Super skill shot offers up to 3 shots for at total of 1.5M points.
– “Disable”: Super skill shot is never offered as one of the plunge awards.

Default: “Standard”.

When Tournament play selected: Time machine modes will follow a sequence ordered by date. Player individual.
– The mamushka
– Move your car
– Saucer attack
– Knight mission

The sequence will repeat.

Qualify DOG video mode (Spot DOG) is removed from the plunge awards.

Start DOG video mode (Run from Spike/Save the girl) is removed from the Magic bus awards.
Big points replaces the DOG video mode in the Tournament play sequence.

When a DOG video mode is played, no further DOG video modes can be qualified on the DOG ramp on the same ball-in-play.

The DOG objective will remain non-timed.

New DMD texts for when a DOG completion is awarding bonus-x increment or points only.

Bonus-x does not carry cross balls.

Adjustment A.1 21 “Language” is limited to “English”.

Adjustment A.1 28 “Min. vol override” defaults to “Yes”.


Assembling the Toaster gun will always qualify Save the girl.

Time machine modes qualified cannot be stacked.

The mode Air tactical combat will take precedence over the Crane, which will stay down during the mode running.
This may be inconvenient and seem buggy, if Multiball is lit. Or multiball is started (via sneak-in).
The DMD “Shoot the crane” is ambiguous. It can both mean shooting the wrecking ball into the cars. And the lane behind the wrecking ball.
Shooting the wrecking ball into the cars during multiball will not award the jackpot. Contrary to what the DMD “says”.
However, Air tactical combat will award the player a score similar to a jackpot.

Sound board software

To be installed with sound board software rev. L-1.


Copyright 1996, 2020 Williams Electronics Games Inc. & Planetary Pinball Supply Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.


Jurassic Park (Data East)
Revision 6.00
Last updated October 11, 2015
Developer: Chad Hendrickson


Replace the existing ROMs in your game with these two new ROMs.
The CPU ROM can be found on the MPU board in the backbox at location C5.
The DISPLAY ROM can be found behind the DMD display in the backbox at location ROM0.



Starting Mode

The starting mode was always Stampede. This has been changed to be random. Lite Extra Ball has been removed from the starting random choice. If Tournament Mode is enabled then starting mode will always be Stampede.

Auto-Collecting Dinosaur Species Targets

Dinosaur Species stand-up targets would auto-collect between balls guaranteeing Tri-Ball lit by third ball. This has been removed. If the player still wants them to auto-collect, then they can switch Adjustment 7 from the default of Moderate to Easy or Extra Easy. Note: One Dinosaur Species target will now also be collected with every Egg shot and successful Dino Shootout along with the usual hitting the targets with the ball.

Shoot Again Insert

The “Shoot Again” insert will now flash when Ball Save is active for the first 10 seconds of each ball.

Skill Shot

Original: JP currently has this predictable Skill Shot pattern:

Ball 1: Dino moves right and left without stopping

Ball 2: Dino pauses while moving right, but moves left without stopping

Ball 3: Dino pauses in both left and right directions

Extra Ball: No animation played. Player is guaranteed skill shot award.

Update: Skill Shots are no longer given to the player in the predictable order as described above. It is now completely random. Meaning, each ball will randomly choose the Ball 1 animation, the Ball 2 animation, or the Ball 3 animation during the Skill Shot and will also randomize them as the animation is playing.

A successful skill shot awards 2M on Ball 1, 3M on Ball 2, and 4M on Ball 3. It also briefly activates Super Pops.

Extra Ball will now play this same random skill shot animation instead of nothing.

End Of Ball Bonus

End Of Ball Bonus will no longer increase during multiball.

EOB Bonus scoring has been adjusted…

Original: Starts at 500,000 points.

7,500 points per switch.

Limit 2,000,000 points.

9X is max multiplier (18,000,000 absolute max bonus).

With this logic the player has to hit 200 switches to max out bonus.

Update: Starts at 500,000 points.

25,000 points per switch.

Limit 6,000,000 points.

9X is max multiplier (54,000,000 absolute max bonus).

With this logic the player has to hit 220 switches to max out bonus.


Original: Special can be lit via Egg shot but it is very rare and it can only happen on Ball 3.

Update: Special can be lit via Egg shot but it is very rare and it can now happen on any Ball.


Ball Launch Ball Save Timer has been extended from 4 seconds to 10 seconds.

Raptor Kickback Ball Save Timer has been extended from 3.5 to 5 seconds


Spitter Mode

Original: 20 seconds to hit Spitter targets. Points are awarded at end of mode.

1 hit = 5M, 2 hit = 20M, 3 hit = 30M

Update: Will play previously unused “Spitter Mode” voice call at start of mode.

20 seconds to hit Spitter targets. Points are awarded at end of mode.

1 hit = 5M, 2 hit = 15M, 3 hit = 30M

Feed T-Rex

Original: 30 seconds to shoot T-Rex for 30M.

Update: No change.

2-Ball Raptor

Original: Raptor pit is worth 7M, 9M, 11M, etc.

3 shots to this would get 27M.

6 shots to this would get 72M.

Update: Raptor pit is worth 9M, 10M, 11M, etc.

3 shots to this would get 30M.

6 shots to this would get 69M.

Added boat horn sound to play after the “2-Ball is lit” voice call

Electric Fence

Original: 20 seconds to hit 15 pops for 30M.

Update: No change.


Original: 20 seconds, captive ball is worth 5M, 6M, 7M, etc.

3 shots to this would get 18M.

Update: 20 seconds, captive ball is worth 10M, 11M, 12M, etc.

3 shots to this would get 33M.

Raptor Rampage

Original: 20 seconds, Raptor Pit is worth between 5M and 10M. Mode starts quietly.

Update: 20 seconds, Raptor Pit is worth between 8M and 15M. Voice call “The raptors are out!” added to start of mode.


Original: Always first mode. 20 seconds. Starts at 5M, all switches add 300K, 310K, 320K, etc to reward.

Update: Random mode. 20 seconds. Starts at 5M, all switches add 500K, 520K, 540K, etc to reward.

Bone Busting

Original: 25 seconds, hit ramp 3 times to collect 20M.

Update: 25 seconds, hit ramp 3 times to collect 30M. All references to BONE BUSTERS have been changed to properly display BONE BUSTING.

System Boot

Original: 15 seconds, shoot all scoops for 5M, 10M, 15M. 30M total.

Update: 20 seconds, shoot all scoops for 5M, 10M, 15M. 30M total.

Escape Isla Nublar

Original: 1) Starts at 21M.

2) Counts down 1M per second.

3) When the player hits one of the awards (Heli, Boat, Visitor) it FLASHES the score on the screen. IT DOES NOT ADD THAT SCORE!!! It also adds 10M to the score countdown and plays the “Escape” voice call and dinosaur roar.

4) When the player hits another of the awards, it FLASHES the countdown score on the screen. IT AGAIN DOES NOT ADD THAT SCORE!!! It also adds 10M to the score countdown and plays the “Escape” voice call and dinosaur roar.

5) When the player COMPLETES the mode by hitting the last target, it FLASHES the countdown score on the screen. THIS IS THE >>>ONLY<<< SCORE THAT IS ADDED.

6) If (after the player hits only one or two targets) more than 10 seconds counts down (bringing the player back to the score it flashed on the screen) then the mode abruptly ends, nothing is shown on the display, and THAT IS THE >>>ONLY<<< SCORE THAT IS ADDED.

Update: 1) Starts at 21M.

2) Counts down 1M per second.

3) When the player hits one of the awards (Heli, Boat, Visitor) it adds 10M to the score countdown and plays the “Escape” voice call and dinosaur roar.

4) When the player hits another of the awards, it adds 10M to the score countdown and plays the “Escape” voice call and dinosaur roar.

5) When the player COMPLETES the mode by hitting the last target, it FLASHES the countdown score on the screen. THIS IS THE >>>ONLY<<< SCORE THAT IS ADDED.

6) If (after the player hits only one or two targets) more than 10 seconds counts down then the mode ends, it FLASHES the score that the player achieved on the screen and THAT IS THE >>>ONLY<<< SCORE THAT IS ADDED.


Victory Lap

Original: 30 seconds, shoot ramp up to 6 times for 5M each. Only plays if game award is set to Credit.

Update: 30 seconds, shoot ramp up to 6 times for 5M each. Will play if game award is set to Credit or Extra Ball.

Park Revenue

Original: Starts at 500,000. 30,000 per pop bumper hit. Resets between balls.

Update: Starts at 1M. 50,000 per pop bumper hit. Resets between balls.

Shoot Out

Original: Shoot random dinosaur on video screen for 3M and activates Super Pops.

Update: Shoot random dinosaur on video screen for 10M and include 10M video and activates Super Pops. Also will collect one Dinosaur Species target.

Lit Boat Dock

Original: Before first Tri-Ball, the lit Boat Dock shot will only collect one dinosaur species target even though physically hitting the same target would collect the whole group (for those that are in a group). After the first Tri-Ball, the lit Boat Dock will only collect one dinosaur species target.

Update: Before first Tri-Ball, the lit Boat Dock shot will collect the entire group of the dinosaur species targets to match the behavior had a ball hit the same target. After the first Tri-Ball, the lit Boat Dock will only collect one dinosaur species target.

Combo Shots

Original: The 3-Way Combo of Ramp to Boat Dock to Helicopter Pad says it is worth 5M but there is a bug and game is only granting 3M. Following this for a 4-Way shot to T-Rex is an additional 10M.

Update: Fixed 3-Way Combo scoring bug to match display. Added alternate ability to achieve 3-Way Combo by shooting Ramp, Left Loop, Helicopter Pad. Added voice call “Enjoy Jurassic Park” when player achieves 3-Way Combo. Following this for a 4-Way shot to T-Rex is an additional 10M.


Original: 2 shots to collect 5M.
3 more shots to collect 10M (or extra ball if the extra ball percentage achieved is low).
4 more shots to collect 15M.
6 more shots to start Super Egg Mania.
6 more shots to collect 15M.
6 more shots to collect 15M.
6 more shots to collect 15M.
6 more shots to start Super Egg Mania.
6 more shots to collect 15M.
6 more shots to collect 15M.
6 more shots to collect 15M.

This requires 15 shots to start Super Egg Mania.

Non-bonus shots to the Egg score 250,000.

Update: 1 shot to collect 5M and Species Target.
2 more shots to collect 10M and Species Target (or extra ball if the extra ball percentage achieved is low).
3 more shots to collect 15M and Species Target.
4 more shots to start Super Egg Mania.
4 more shots to collect 15M and Species Target.
4 more shots to collect 15M and Species Target.
4 more shots to collect 15M and Species Target.
4 more shots to start Super Egg Mania.
4 more shots to collect 15M and Species Target.
4 more shots to collect 15M and Species Target.
4 more shots to collect 15M and Species Target.


This requires 10 shots to start Super Egg Mania.

Non-bonus shots to the Egg score 500,000.

T-REX Bounty

Original: Starts at 7.5M. Increases by 500,000 per T-Rex saucer shot. Also increases by 100,000 per ramp shot. DOES NOT reset between games. Collects/resets when player makes four T-Rex saucer shots in one game (or in one ball if Adjustment 44 “T-Rex In Memory” is set to No). Tournament mode: The letters in T-REX reset at the beginning of each ball and the T-REX Bounty also resets to 7.5M.

Update: Starts at 12.5M. Increases by 2.5M per T-Rex saucer shot. Also increases by 1M per ramp shot. DOES reset between games. Collects/resets when player makes four T-Rex saucer shots in one game (or in one ball if Adjustment 44 “T-Rex In Memory” is set to No). Tournament mode: The letters in T-REX reset at the beginning of each ball and the T-REX Bounty also resets to 12.5M.


Original: 50 ramp shots will Lite Extra Ball.

Update: 20 ramp shots will Lite Extra Ball.

Super Egg Mania

Original: Starts as a single ball, Countdown timer starts at 25 seconds, each hit to the egg adds 5M. Each hit to the egg (with timer still running) adds a ball to the playfield (up to 6 balls). When timer ends, no more balls are added the playfield when hitting egg and player still collects 5M for each Egg hit. When player drains down to 1 ball (or 0 balls), mode ends.

Update: Starts as a two-ball, Countdown timer starts at 25 seconds, each hit to the egg adds 5M times number of balls in play. Each hit to the egg adds 5 seconds to the timer. Each hit to the egg (with timer still running) adds a ball to the playfield (up to 6 balls). When timer ends, no more balls are added the playfield when hitting egg and player collects 5M times number of balls in play for each Egg hit. When player drains down to 1 ball (or 0 balls), mode ends.

Raptor Pit Value

Original: Starts at 2M, each Raptor Pit shot increases value by 350,000.

Update: Starts at 3M, each Raptor Pit shot increases value by 350,000.

Helicopter Pad Loop

Looping the Helicopter Pad shot will now award 5M for each loop and play video of flashing “5 MILLION” and a previously unused jackpot type sound will play each loop.

Super Pops

Original: Activated by successfully shooting the dinosaur during the Dinosaur Shootout Video Mode or via Mr. DNA. 30 second timer starts counting down. Once timer ends the mode is over. Pop bumpers are worth 100,000 and hitting all three is worth 1M. Hitting any pop bumper resets timer to 3 seconds (thus cutting short this mode). If no pop bumper is hit again within 3 seconds then mode ends.

Update: Activated by successfully shooting the dinosaur during the Dinosaur Shootout Video Mode or via Mr. DNA. 30 second timer starts counting down. Once timer ends the mode is over. Pop bumpers are worth 100,000 and hitting all three is worth 1M. Hitting any pop bumper does NOT reset timer to 3 seconds (thus guarenteeing that this mode will last 30 seconds). If after 30 seconds no pop bumper is hit again within 3 seconds then mode ends.


Before the choices were:

1. 5 Million
2. 10 Million
3. 15 Million
4. 20 Million
5. Super Pops
6. Complete Egg
7. Raptors +5Mil
8. Lite Special (very rare)
9. Award Lit CRT
10. Runaway X-Ball
11. Runaway 20 M
12. Runaway 2-Ball
13. Tri-Ball Ready
14. Super Egg (rare)
15. Bunker +5Mil
16. Advance T-Rex

Now the choices are:

1. 5 Million (never offered in non-tournament play)
2. 10 Million
3. Max Bonus (new)
4. Hold Bonus (new)
5. Super Pops
6. Complete Egg
7. Raptor Pit +5M (new text)
8. Lite Special (rare)
9. Hold Raptor Pit (new)
10. Runaway X-Ball
11. Runaway 20 M
12. Runaway 2-Ball
13. Tri-Ball Ready
14. Super Egg
15. Park Rev +5M (new text)
16. Advance T-Rex

Fixed Mr. DNA so if no choice is selected, then animation does not show gun shooting and gunshot sound effect is not played.

Sped up the choice selection animation to require more timing skill when choosing award. The player now has to act much quicker and learn the new timing to become skillful at this challenge.


Adjustment 37 – Restart Game

Original: This is on by default. Also, when turned off, game will still restart on Ball 3 when Start Button is pressed.

Update: This is off by default. Also, when turned off, game will no longer restart on Ball 3 when Start button is pressed. (Those with small children will appreciate this.)

Match Sound Effect

Original: When a match is not achieved, if there is no credits (or game is on Free Play) then game will play descending notes sound effect. If there are credits then game will play “Ohh, T-Rex got him” sound call.

Update: When a match is not achieved, if there is no credits (or game is on Free Play) then game will play “Ohh, T-Rex got him” sound call. If there are credits then game will play descending notes sound effect.

T-Rex Diagnostics

Original: Always runs at bootup or after a reset.

Update: Holding down gun trigger at boot up or reset will skip T-Rex Diagnostics. You must have at least one full game played in your audits for this ability to become active. You only really have to be holding the trigger down the moment the game goes from showing the version info to showing attract mode. This means you can reach down with your right hand, turn on the game, then bring your right hand up to the trigger and hold it until attract mode starts.

Ramp bug

Fixed bug when ramp shot lites extra ball at same time Mr. DNA is to be collected. This would not collect Mr. DNA and would set its collection counter to 99.

Mr. DNA Bunker +5mil Award

The text of the Mr. DNA award of “BUNKER +5MIL” has been changed to “PARK REV +5M”. This makes more sense since the award is actually for Park Revenue.

Mr. DNA Raptors +5mil Award

The text of the Mr. DNA award of “RAPTORS +5MIL” has been changed to “RAPTOR PIT +5M”. This makes more sense since the award is actually for the Raptor Pit.

Next Game Promotion

Original: Next game promotion for Last Action Hero will never play regardless of adjustment setting.

Update: Next game promotion for Last Action Hero will play if enabled in adjustments. Default is enabled.

Tilt Warning

Original: Tilt can only be set to 0, 1, or 3 warnings. Default is 1.

Update: Tilt can be set to 0, 1, 2, or 3 warnings. Default is 2.

Switch 28

Original: Switch 28 is unused. But there is a bug in the code where if this switch is ever triggered due to a physical fault in the switch matrix then the game would go into a bugged loop until the ball drains.

Update: Switch 28 is now ignored by the code.


Voice call “Chaos!” has been added to each shot that collects a CHAOS letter.

“Bone Busting” voice call fixed so it does not get cut short.

“Feed T-Rex” voice call fixed so it does not get cut short.

Mode Lock Computer sound fixed so it does not get cut short.

When hitting ramp during Bone Busting, alternate jackpot sound is played instead of Mr. DNA computer sound effect.

Replaced Outlane voice call of “The raptors are out!” with “Oh no, it’s T-Rex!”

Last Action Hero
Revision 1.13
Last updated November 16, 2014
Developer caker137


Replace the existing CPU ROM in your game with this new ROM.
The CPU ROM can be found on the MPU board in the backbox at location C5.


Last Action Hero is arguable one of the most underrated pinball machines of the past 30 years. As far as bang-for-your-buck, it’s hard to top LAH.

Those in the know realize that this pinball machine offers a ton of features and toys, a nice deep rule set, and lots of fun shots.

Many of us collectors would like to see some small changes made to this great game, to further enhance the gameplay, round out some of the modes, and give a greater reward if you can achieve the wizard mode, World Premiere.

This new improved firmware tweaks a few things in the gameplay to balance out some scoring and bring some nice additions to the game.

The new firmware includes these features:

Improved World Premiere Mode – now multiball!

  • Shots to the ramp during World Premiere add 5 seconds to the mode, increasing the jackpot ceiling by 5M. This jackpot ceiling can be increased to a max of 95M.

  • Jackpot value starts at 1M and increases 1M for each second of play up to the jackpot ceiling, just as it did on the original game.

  • Shots to the Left scoop collect Jackpots as normal.

  • 2 seconds after WP starts a second ball will be added to play. Then every 10 seconds later, another ball will be added to play for the entire time the mode is running.

  • If all balls drain before time expires, the mode is terminated.

  • If balls remain when the jackpot timer expires, all the balls will drain and a single ball will be served up from the shooter lane to return to normal play.

YOU must Qualify Multiball – now you have to shoot for the captive balls

The new default setting to light m-ball is “easy” in the adjust menu, which does this:

  • No free multiball on ball 3. You have to earn it!

  • 2 captive hits are required to light the first M-Ball, 4 hits to light second, 6 for third etc.

  • Now it’s more compelling to try to light M-Ball a second time (or third time) using the captive balls, since the hit requirements are more achievable.

  • M-Ball can still be lit by the smart missile if you choose to do that.

If you still want automatic multiball on ball 3, set the adjustment to “extra easy.” This will give you the new easier hit requirements, with the automatic ball 3 multiball you are used to. Alternately, if you really liked the way it worked before just set the adjust to “medium” for the factory original captive ball hit requirements and the automatic multiball on ball 3.

Ball Saver – a more modern timed ball saver

  • Shoot Again Insert now flashes while ball saver is active.

  • Ball saver is time based at the launch of each ball (approx. 10 seconds).

  • Ball saver is restarted when a new ball is plunged after ball is locked.

  • Ball saver is restarted when a new ball is plunged after LAH 6-ball auto drain.

  • You can still be saved by the low switch count ball saver; it still runs along with the timed saver.

  • Multiple right outlane insta-drain forgiveness is unchanged.

  • Ripper ball save is 1 second longer than it was previously (now approx. 4 seconds).

Light Special for 25M Bonus – freeplay users have never seen this feature until now

  • When the user bonus exceeds 25M, special will be lit.

  • If you set special to award extra balls, this is what you will get when you collect special.

User Tilt warnings fully adjustable from 0-5 – now you can set it to 2 like all your modern games

  • Default value for tilt warnings is now 2.

“Go to the Movies” mode – this mode has much more value now and should not be passed up!

  • Starts as a 2 ball multiball.

  • Mode progresses as normal except each hit on the captive balls awards 5M x number of balls in play instead of just a flat 5M.

Blowout Mode (the Ripper is downtown) – so shoot the ripper!

  • A shot to the ripper during this modes immediately advances the switch closure award value up to 1M, and gives you some extra time.

Knocker freeplay users hardly ever heard their knocker fire until now

  • The knocker now fires for Special regardless of special type.

  • It also fires for each Extra Ball.

  • It still fires for replays (unchanged).

Ripper Bounty

  • Each shot to the ripper adds 2.5M (5X more than before) to Ripper Bounty.

Second Cousin Frank bounty

  • Shots to the ramp now add 400k (4X more than before) to Frank Bounty.

  • Shots that enter the middle scoop from the bumpers now add 1M (4X more than before) to the Frank Bounty.

Dekker Super Spinner requirement lowered

  • Did you know that on version 1.12, 5 ramp+ramp combination shots would light up the spinner for Dekker Super Spinner?

  • This requirement has been reduced so now only 2 sets of ramp+ramp combos are required to light the Super Spinner.

Default High Scores Tweaked

  • Factory high scores start at 200M.

  • Now you can use the automatic score reset feature to ‘clear’ off your scores so your family can get on the score board sometimes (at least for a little while).

Outlane voice callouts no longer get cut off mid sentence – no more “I’ve just shot somebody, I did<snip>”

  • Longer voice callouts are used when multiple balls are in play, to ensure they play to completion.

  • Shorter voice callouts and sound effects are used when a single ball is in play.

  • Outlane sound effects may still be preempted by a higher priority audio call out during gameplay.

Added voice callouts

    • Arnold says: “The Bad Guys Are in There” when scoop is lit from ramp shot or start of new ball (low probability).

  • Arnold says: “No Sequel For You” if M-Ball restart is not hit before it times out.

  • The Chief says: “If You Go In There, It’s Your Badge” sometimes when spinner is hit.

  • Arnold says: “Too Much Muscle” sometimes when the danger bar is hit (low probability).

  • Arnold says: “Sorry, Not Yet” sometimes instead of “Come Back Later” (low probability).

  • Arnold says: “Save Danny” near the end of save danny mode time.

  • Arnold says: “Shoot the Screen” sometimes when ball goes through inlanes.

  • Arnold says: “Last – Action – Hero” whenever award is achieved in 6-ball LAH multiball mode and mode is continued.

  • Default music volume is set to 75% so you can hear the call-outs better.

Bug fixed – flashing dynamite featue was sometimes lost after MBall

  • I discovered this bug in the orignial code while working on my modification.

  • Pressing the smart missle while shooting the lit left start scoop caused the problem.

  • Mball would be lit, and the next mode to start (the light that flashes on the dynamite features grid) would be lost from memory.

  • After Mball finished, no light would be flashing. You couldn’t start a new feature until draining the ball even if the scoop was lit. :(

    • The flashing “next feature” is now restored in this situation.

Lethal Weapon 3
Revision 3.01
Last updated September 3, 2020
Developer Chad Hendrickson


Replace the existing ROMs in your game with these three new ROMs.
The CPU ROM can be found on the MPU board in the backbox at location C5.
The DISPLAY ROMs can be found behind the DMD display in the backbox at location ROM0 & ROM1.



Skill shot timing has been slowed down.
Ball 1 has been slowed down a lot.
Ball 2 has been slowed down a little bit.
Ball 3+ is same as before.
Changed sound effect during Skill Shot from chimes to a simpler gun clicking.
Stop playing gun clicking sound effect after about 100 times during Skill Shot. Then it will be silent for about 150 times and then will click again for 100 times and repeat.
Removed GI flashing during Skill Shot (flasher still flashes with music).
Added left side flashers (near spinner) to Skill Shot.
Increased time for Skill Shot flasher light show to stay longer as the game waits for the player to shoot the ball into play.
Reduced time before resetting Left Target Bank lamps (Bullets) after Skill Shot.


Changed Ball Save at beginning of ball to now be 10 seconds instead of 4 switches.
Fixed bug that reset ball to normal gameplay when Ball Save was used and a mode was running (Getaway, Super Spin, Looping).
Added a 3 second Ball Save to Left Saucer (LW1) eject when not in Tri-Ball.


New Karate Kick logic is no longer based on average ball time (also makes game more Tournament Friendly)
When Karate Kick is activated:
If current ball time is below 100 seconds then “Lite Karate Kick” target will flash. Hit it once to relite Karate Kick.
If current ball time is above 100 seconds then “Lite Karate Kick” target will light solid on. Hit it once to make it flash and a second time to relite Karate Kick.
Renamed DMD text when Karate Kick is used from SUBWAYS RELITE KARATE KICK to TARGET RELITES KARATE KICK.
Karate Kick now stays active as long as Ball Save at the start of ball is active.


Fight Mode no longer starts randomly. (This also makes game more Tournament Friendly.)
Fight Mode will only start when shooting the unlit Left Saucer (LW1).
Fight Mode only starts once per game via Left Saucer. It will also be possible a second time when chosen via Super Leo FIGHT 20M award.
Delayed start of Fight Mode to better able player to read instructions.
Flippers and GI are now turned off at the very start of Fight Mode introduction instead of at the end of the introduction.
Added “Now!” voice call to start of Fight Mode gameplay.
Increased pause at end of Fight Mode to better read results.
Removed “explosion” sound effect from winning sounds during Fight Mode.
Reduced overall amount of punching and “ya!” voice calls during Fight Mode.
Increased regular Fight Mode award from 5M to 10M.
Changed logic for difficulty to adapt to the user. Always starts at the same difficulty. If player is winning, Travis should speed up. If player is losing, Travis should slow down slightly.
Increased Fight Mode timer so it will always end with winner reaching the top. Previously it might sometimes end prematurely.
Added sound effect to 10 Million or 20 Million award if achieved.
Variations in game speed will cause variations in Fight Mode difficulty. This is normal and cannot be avoided.
You now have the option to turn off regular Fight Mode via Adjustment 31. This is for anyone who does not like video modes. See below for details.


Increased pause for Crime Simulator start so player is better able to read the instructions better and prepare.
Fixed “They got away” voice call playing twice after a failed Video Mode. Now when you fail, it will say “No!” and “They got away”.
Removed bug where “They got away” voice call would play even when Video Mode was completed with a perfect 10 out of 10 score.
Changed Video Mode lamp to solid on when ready and flashing when active.


New Shootout logic
Player must shoot at least one shot before it is too late. If not, then no Uzi Awards will be given and the player will have to try again before advancing to the next Uzi Award.
Super Spins and Getaway awards will now also display on DMD when they are granted.
“Diplomatic Immunity Revoked” voice call will only play when the player successfully shoots ALL six shots for the 2M, 4M, or 6M bonus.
Removed the large 2M, 4M, or 6M bonus animation since it’s already displayed in small letters.
Change behavior of Uzi Award lamps. They now flash to indicate which award is next to be activated, instead of being off and then start flashing when Shootout starts.
Uzi Awards are now NOT granted when draining or tilting in the middle of a Shootout.
Reduced Pause between 6th shot Shootout success and displaying the awards.
Changed default Uzi clip advancement for shootouts on orbit shots
BEFORE you would have to shoot these amount of shots to activate each Shootout: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 6
UPDATE now you have to shoot these amount of shots to activate each Shootout: 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 6
Prevent advancing of Uzi clips during Super Spins to prevent interference.
Uzi Clips are now saved for all awards from ball to ball. Previously the Uzi Clips for the last two awards (Looping, Super Lethal Weapon) were reset from ball to ball.
Changed multiple orbit shot logic (repeated shots)
Orbit 1 = 50,000
Orbit 2 = 500,000
Orbit 3 = 1,000,000
Orbit 4 = 1,500,000
Orbit 5 = 2,000,000
Orbit 6+ = 2,500,000
Removed Leo/Super Leo logic from Orbits.
Removed Karate Kick logic from Orbits.
Removed spotting Top Lane logic from Orbits.
Removed “OK, OK, OK” from successful shootout voice calls.
Renamed all references in audits from SHOWDOWN to SHOOTOUT.


Changed the name and animation from SUPER SCORE back to GETAWAY.
Added “Step on it” voice call at start of Getaway.


Changed sound effect for shooting the gun to a machine gun that will now always play.
Light shows for LW1, LW2 & LW3 kickouts have been sped up. They look much better now!
Removed Top Lanes lamps and Tri-Ball Ready lamp from right saucer light show so it now looks better.
Stunts will now play when Tri-Ball is ready and #2 is the last to collect for a Stunt. Previously it would silently collect it and start Tri-Ball right away.
Pause before starting Stunt if the last number (1, 2, or 3) was just collected, to show last number collected and then the Stunt.
Changed the “One”, “Two”, and “Three!” voice calls to play sooner when activated. Sounds more natural now.
Removed random voice calls from left saucer when collecting Lethal Weapon 1. Only play the “One!” voice call. Before, that random voice call was stepping over the “One!” voice call.
Better synchronized slate animation with the slate “click” sound effect and “Action!” voice call.
Change behavior of Stunts to only allow one shot with gun trigger for an extra million during Stunt animation. Now, if you shoot too early, you do not collect the bonus.
Added pause when collecting LW1, LW2 or LW3 to allow DMD animation to finish.
Pause when collecting LW1, this will allow it to always play and not get overridden with Extra Ball if that is also lit.
Changed default for Adjustment 50 – Earning LW 1,2,3 from 02 (FACTORY) to 00 (EXHARD). All numbers now have to be collected in sequence in order to start a Stunt.
Completely reworked timings for each of the 3 stunt phases. (Some of these opening videos used to be cut short a little bit, I have fixed it now so the Phase 1 videos will all fully be displayed. Also, no videos should be cut short anymore if Leo/Super Leo is active.)
Phase 1 opening animation
Phase 2 NOW!
Phase 3 ending animation
Increased showing 1,000,000 during Stunt slightly


Fixed value to always be 5 Million. Previously was random between 5M and 7M. This also makes game more Tournament Friendly.
Changed Murtaugh’s retirement light show. Before it was just a slowed down version of the Left Saucer Light Show. Now it is a totally different one only played during attract mode. (Looks like a panning searchlight coming from the Outhole.)


Decreased climbing ramp bonus values:
BEFORE: 3, 7, 14, 21, 31, 43, 57, 73, 91, 99 Million
UPDATE: 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30 Million
Slightly reduced percentage of “‘I’m driving.’ ‘No, I’m driving!'” voice call to be played for a ramp shot.
Changed sound effect for ramp entrance from long “car motor and tires screeching – bang, bang, descending sound” to simple and quick “tires screech” sound effect.
Sped up flasher light show that would be triggered by the ramp entrance switch. Previously, this was playing too long.
Extra Ball now always be lit after 17 ramp shots. (Before it would bug out after 12 shots if it was collected too often.)
Changed Freeway Looping lamp (on ramp sign) to be solid on when ready and flashing when active.
Added Spot Leo logic to EVEN ramp shots. This means that every EVEN ramp shot will now spot a Left Bank Leo target.
Changed awards on ramp (Million and Extra Ball) to all be on ODD ramp shots.
Allow Victory Lap mode to play even when Game Awards (Adjustment 4) is to Extra Ball. Previously, Victory Lap mode would only play when Game Awards was set to Credit.


Fixed timing of “What Leo wants, Leo Getz” voice call. Previously the “Leo Getz” part was playing too soon.
Increased pause before ejecting a ball when collecting Leo Getz.
Increased pause before collecting STUNT to allow Leo’s speech bubble animation to be seen.
Increased pause before EXTRA BALL LIT animation to allow Leo’s speech bubble animation to be seen.
Increased pause before LOOPING READY! animation to allow Leo’s speech bubble animation to be seen.
Delayed the lighting of Leo awards lamps to wait for speech bubble animation.
Rebalanced possible Leo award percentages for each ball.
Added LITE LOOPING to Leo awards. Previously it was only possible via Super Leo or Uzi Award #6.
Leo award LITE KARATE KICK will now relite Karate Kick instead of lighting the “Lite Karate Kick” target.


Rebalanced all Super Leo awards to make choice more difficult. Previously, it was often obvious which selection to choose.
Changed 20 MILLION to 10 MILLION.
Increased Fight Mode award from 10 Million to 20 Million.
Renamed FIGHT MODE to FIGHT 20M.
Changed BANK HEIST random choice possibilities
BEFORE randomly picks one of the following: 10M, 15M, 15M, 20M, 20M, 25M, 25M, 30M
UPDATE randomly picks one of the following: 5M, 5M, 5M, 10M, 10M, 15M, 20M, 30M


Fixed bug that kept the timer always running, except when Tri-Ball intro is playing. Now all events pause Super Lethal Weapon timer.
Changed sound effect when scoring 10 Million jackpots at the holes.
Changed Super Lethal Weapon light show of the Uzi lamps to repeat 2 times quickly instead of playing only once. This light show is played at start of mode and when collecting 10M jackpots.


Fixed bug that prevented Crazy Riggs from advancing by hitting spinners when Super Spinner was also active


Increased Super Spins timer from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
Changed behavior of the spinner flashers to flash alternating instead of both at the same time


If Super Duper Pops is activated when Super Pops is already active, game will now revert to Super Pops when the Super Duper Pops timer is expired (previously, would revert to Normal Pops when Super Duper Pops timer expired).
Added mode ending sound effect to Super Duper Pops when timer expires.
Super Duper Pops timer now pauses when events happen.
Changed light shows for Super Pops and Super Duper Pops:
Before both were the same.
Super Pops will now rotate 1 lit pop.
Super Duper Pops will now rotate 2 lit pops.
Light show for both have also been slowed down slightly to be more visually pleasing.


Increased Ball Save timer at start of Tri-Ball from 2 seconds to 5 seconds.
Fixed bug where the trough eject coil would fire 3 times during Tri-Ball Ball Save.
Fixed bug that would show TRI-BALL READY on display for a short time when it’s actually TRI-BALL RESTART.
Slightly delayed audio of Tri-Ball intro to better synchronize with animation.
Increased initial Jackpot Value from 10M to 20M.
Changed defaults for Adjustment 52 & 53 so now player has to hit the Drop Targets to activate Tri-Ball Ready. Tri-Ball Ready will not automatically start by Ball 3 now.
Adjustment 52 – 3 Bank Style = 03 (Easy)
Adjustment 53 – Spot 3 Banks = 03 (Easy)
Adjustment 52 – 3 Bank Style = 02 (Medium/Factory)
Adjustment 53 – Spot 3 Banks = 01 (Hard)
Timers for Crazy Riggs, Super Spin and Getaway now pause during Tri-Ball intro.
Removed GI flashing from Tri-Ball Ready / Tri-Ball Restart music (flashers still flash with music).
Fixed bug that would restart the Jackpot Music after a restarted Tri-Ball with Jackpot.
Added Tri-Ball end music jingle to always play at the end of Tri-Ball, even if a jackpot was collected.


Increased Bonus per switch from 7,500 to 10,000.
Increased maximum Bonus Value from 1M to 3M.
Added Spot Top Lane logic to VUK (LW2 hole) when nothing else is offered.
Added slingshots to also increase bonus value.
EOB Routine has been slowed down to give the DMD time to show all bonuses and scores. Player can speed up EOB routine by holding in either flipper button.
Changed sound effect for Bonus Held animation.
Current score shown big at end of EOB will display longer.
Increased pause when showing all scores at end of game just before Initials/Match (for multiplayer games only).


Tournament Mode added to game!
Changed text for Adjustment 39 from NEXT GAME PROMOTION to TOURNAMENT MODE. Default is OFF.
Previously used Adjustment 39 NEXT GAME PROMOTION is now hard coded into the game to alway be ON.
Added non-random tournament logic for Leo & Super Leo. Awards will always be granted in same order.
Tournament Mode will automatically set:
Adjustment 3 Replay Levels to NONE
Adjustment 4 Game Awards to NONE
Adjustment 6 Limit Extra Balls to 00
Adjustment 16 Tilt Warnings to 02
If you desire no Video Modes during a tournament then see Adjustment 31 below for details.
Holding either flipper button during attract mode will force the game to display the last scores (when game was just turned on it will show the high score table).


Changed Audit & Adjustment and Diagnostics sounds.
Changed Adjustment 50 – LW 1-2-3 STYLE when set to 01, to be in order after 1st stunt (previously was after the 3rd stunt).
Renamed diagnostic name of Lamp Test for SILENT ALARM to M.BALL READY to match lamp name on playfield.
Renamed Adjustment 31 – CLEAN GAME EVERY to VIDEO MODES
Clean Game is now hard coded to 1,500 games
New Adjustment 31 – VIDEO MODES default is 03.
00 No Video Modes
01 Crime Simulator ON, Fight Mode OFF
02 Crime Simulator OFF, Fight Mode ON
03 All Video Modes ON
Adjustment 16 Tilt Warnings can now be set between 00, 01, 02, 03. New default is 02.
Default High Scores increased.
Default Replay Value increased from 125M to 175M.
Replaced “OK, OK, OK” with “We’re back in action” when random voice calls are played during the game.
Removed “OK, OK, OK” from list of sound effects when hitting pops bumpers. Now the pop bumpers will play mostly gunshots and occasionally ricochet sound effects.
Removed “He’s getting away” and “Police Officer” voice calls from list of sound effects for slingshots. Now slingshots will only play gunshot sound effects.
Removed chimes sound effect from Data East logo on Attract Mode.
Holding either flipper button during attract mode will force the game to display the last scores (when game was just turned on it will show the high score table).
Changed Instant Info screen timing to flow smoothly.
Coil pulse power for the launch coil in various video mode interactions (Video Mode, Stunts, Shootouts) has been reduced to minimum power. This is to preserve the coil bracket. (Can still be turned off by Adjustment 46 GUN ENABLED)
Enter Initials will now happen before the match animation, if a high score is achieved.
Changed Enter Initials music to a version that does not fade out prematurely.
Increased pause during GREAT GAME after high score initials entered.
Added music to Buy-In, was previously silent.
Changed match failed from “The got away” to “No!” voice call
Changed match win from “replay” sound effect to “I’m impressed” voice call and sound effects.
Increased award for Extra Ball from 1M to 5M if extra ball limit has been reached.
Fixed major bug when the spinners were quickly spinning that caused all DMD animations to be delayed or not play at all.
All displayed timers have been adjusted. They now start with a better number. e.g. instead of showing 19 seconds at start, it will show 20 seconds. (Looping, Victory Lap, Super Lethal Weapon, Crazy Riggs, Super Spins, Tri-Ball Restart, Double Jackpot)
All timed modes now have a “mode ending” sound effect.
All “now or never” timed modes (Getaway, Tri-Ball Restart, Victory Lap, and Double Jackpot) have an “alarm bell” sound effect played near the end.
Restarting a game will now need the start button to be held down for a couple of seconds instead of just barely pressing it.
Reduced GI flashing overall. All events that flash the GI are still there, but I have reduced the amount of times the GI will flash with most events. Such as 4 times instead of 8 times or 5 times instead of 10 times.
Added slight pause at boot up to allow the “Were back in action” sound card boot sound to play completely.

Mousin’ Around!
Revision 5.0
12 October 2021


Changes designed and implemented by Soren Worre.

Based on the revision LA-4 software released in 1989 by Williams Electronics Games Inc.

The author would like to thank the designers of this pinball machine.


New feature adjustment adding runmodes to the target bank and center ramp.
Bug fixes.


Limits the repeat shot play of the center ramp returning to same flipper.
Reward for controlling a streak of shots to same ramp without hitting other shots.

Detailed changes description

Reference to the LA-4 revision.
Some of the description is not a change as such. But features present in the LA-4 revision too.
Withtaken to give a complete overview of how the target bank and center ramp works.

Adjustment 33, Motor bank, has been given the two additional options. Cheese and Streak.

1-2-3 targets made carry cross-balls, player individual.
If CHEESE is completed, a center ramp shot will close it.
If CHEESE is completed on a center ramp shot, it will close right away.
Locks made and multiball will not close the center ramp.
Collecting jackpot will not close the center ramp.

Same as “Cheese” option in addition to.
If CHEESE spell out was completed only on the center ramp, from when the center ramp was opened,
a “Streak bonus” of 100K for each letter collected on center ramp is given.
Like this.
“CHEESE” on center ramp = 600K Streak bonus.
“HEESE” on center ramp = 500K Streak bonus.
“EESE” on center ramp = 400K Streak bonus.
“ESE” on center ramp = 300K Streak bonus.
“SE” on center ramp = 200K Streak bonus.
Last “E”ť on center ramp = no Streak bonus.

The Streak option is default on hard and extra hard pre-sets.

New “Streak run” display on center ramp shots, when a streak run is active.
New “Streak bonus” display (with “Go for the hole” sound call) on collect.

Center ramp display was incorrectly “Trap lane bonus”.
Now changed to “Ramp loop”, on shots out of a streak run (any configuration).

For the light kickback rule (3 center ramp shots), the counter is now reset at start-of-ball.
In Cheese/Streak modes: A center ramp shot closing the ramp will always light kickback.

A bug where the Increase score lamp would stay lit on next ball-in-play, fixed.
A bug where the Double scoring countdown display would stay active on next ball-in-play, fixed.
A bug where the MILLION and Build jackpot light show would stay active on next ball-in-play, fixed.


Adjustment 33 has the following five options, per rev. LA-4, which are kept unchanged.
Ex. easy: 3-bank stays down rest of game.
Easy: 3-bank resets at start-of-ball. 1-2-3 targets made are preserved cross-balls, player individual.
Medium: 3-bank resets at start-of-ball.
Hard: 3-bank resets on Cheezy bonus collected. 1-2-3 targets made are preserved cross-balls, player individual.
Ex. hard: 3-bank resets on Cheezy bonus collected.

And the new settings for comparison.
Cheese: 3-bank resets on Cheezy bonus collected and on center ramp made when CHEESE. 1-2-3 targets made are preserved cross-balls, player individual.
Streak: 3-bank resets on Cheezy bonus collected and on center ramp made when CHEESE. 1-2-3 targets made are preserved cross-balls, player individual.

Every center ramp made still pays 100K on its own. The Streak bonus is extra.
A maxed Streak bonus sequence is 1.4M, all told, on 9 shots.

In rev. LA-4, the 3 center ramp shots to light kickback counter was shared between players. Considered a bug.
The counter is now reset each start-of-ball, and not reset when the center ramp is closed per collection of Cheesy bonus.

The European ROM defaults to the hard pre-set. This revision, based on the US ROM, defaults to the medium pre-set.
The hard pre-set is recommended.

Sound board software

Please note that the originally distributed sound ROMs have incorrect filenames and documentation.
This is the correct sound ROMs to use.

SHA1: D9D20921EB42C19C5074C976608BFEC0D3130204
WMS LA-4 filename: mous_u4.l2

SHA1: 272F0BD3885BB81DA13EE6ED3D66F9424CCF4B0D
WMS LA-4 filename: mous_u19.l2

SHA1: 443426BE41C1413F22B137145DBC3BCF84D9CCC7
WMS LA-4 filename: mous_u20.l2

SHA1: 4F15696909E1F3574AD20B28E31DA2C155ED129F
WMS LA-4 filename: mous_u22.l1

U20 is unused.


Copyright 1990, 2021 Williams Electronics Games Inc. & Planetary Pinball Supply Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Revision 3.0
31 October 2020


Changes designed and implemented by Soren Worre.

Based on the revision L-1 software released in 1990 by Williams Electronics Games Inc.

The author would like to thank the designers of this pinball machine.


Logic regarding ball lock and multilball progression is made per players individual merit.
Players never loose achevements from ball to ball.
Derandomisation of the multiball Mega-million (jackpot).
Derandomisation of the Snake run award.
Further game elements that was not even for all in multi-player games now equalised.
New Contest game adjustment.
Bug fixes. Points not being awarded. Multiball false start. Ball stock in lock lane. And more.


Fully suitable for competition play.
No ball hangup in the lock lane requiring a power cycle.
Still suitable for arcade play via adjustment.
Many bug fixes for a perfected game that plays and awards points as expected.

Detailed changes description

Reference to the L-1 (and Europe L-2) revision.

RADICAL progress is never lost.
Lock made progress is player individual (no hard lock stealing). And never lost.
New status report page: RADICAL lights lock -> Lock lit -> RADICAL lights multiball -> Multiball lit.

On tilt, a locked ball is only ejected in the case of both balls ending up in the lock trough.
Lower drop target bank reset omitted from ball search.
Pops added to ball search.

Menu adjustment 50 changed from “Display AU01-04” to “Contest game”. Options: “No” and “Yes”. Default: “No”.
When Contest game selected: The lock trough kicker is omitted from ball search.
When Contest game selected: The X ramp diverter is omitted from ball search.
When Contest game selected: Snake run awards follow a fixed sequence. Cross balls, player individual.
The Snake run sequence: Million, Vertical, Skate, Tail, Million, Vertical, Skate, Tail, Mystery, Mystery,…
When Contest game selected: Snake run “next award” is indicated on the backbox translite.
When Contest game selected: The Snake run Mystery award is 100K.

The Mega-millions jackpot follows the fixed sequence of 4M, 6M, 8M, 10M, 10M,… Increment on collect. Player individual.

Ball tracking and handling are cleaned up.
No multiball false start.
No incorrect end-of-ball, when draining down to one ball-in-play.

A bug where Bust-a-move ramp shots would not register on fast combos, fixed.
A bug where Tail slide ramp shots would not always divert the ball, fixed.
Buggy X ramp diverter control with multiple up/down/up cycles on open, fixed.

Better postpond ball search handling when balls are held by the game.
A bug where Mega-million would go to last chance (timing out) on ball search, fixed.

A bug where the lower drop targets would stay down with no Spot letter option, fixed.
A buggy light show procedure related to the lower drop target bank, removed.

Tail slider start level is harmonised at level 2 for all players.
A bug where Tail slider mode would carry half baked to next player, fixed.
Tail slider exceeding level 15 no longer freeze the ball in the lock.
A bug where Tail slider would start on last “A” achieved as Spot letter on the ramp, fixed.

Messy logic regarding RADICAL progress and RADICAL shots indicators are cleaned up.
A bug where on tilt, the game would not shut down lights and music, fixed.

A bug where the kickback could be unlit but active by mistake in multi-player games, fixed.


Lock made status sustains through a ball removed from the lock by opponents or a tilt.
Soft lock stealing only. Relock necessary, but opponents will never benefit a players achievements.

If Skate-or-die is lit, a Skate-or-die at the Snake run will award the Mystery instead.
The buggy diverter control would occationally make a diverted Tail slide ramp shot register as a Bust-a-move ramp shot.
The fixed diverter control allows plunging the ball to lock/start multiball, when lit, at start-of-ball.

Tail slider mode is lit on (radicAl) “A” collected. Re-lit on a spinner shot and at start-of-ball. Mode lit does not time out.
Once the mode is started, the Tail slider indicator runs on a 12 seconds timeout. Reset on a Tail slider collected.

The European ROM defaults to the hard pre-set. The mod, based on the US ROM, defaults to the medium pre-set. The medium pre-set is recommended.
Spot RADICAL on inlanes (adjustment 32) stops when the score exceeds 4M.

Sound board software

To be installed with sound board software rev. L-1.


Copyright 1990, 2020 Williams Electronics Games Inc. & Planetary Pinball Supply Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Red & Ted’s Road Show
Revision 7.0
14 November 2020


Changes designed and implemented by Soren Worre.

Based on the revision L-6 software released in 1994 by Williams Electronics Games Inc.

The author would like to thank the designers of this pinball machine.

Special thanks to Jesper Graver.


The city modes sequence is no longer restricted to an east to west route.
With the trading post (Albuquerque) and The west coast (Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles) at certain progression.
New map mode feature adjustment.
Los Angeles mode bug fix.


Easier for players to experience the various modes of the game.
Greater variety from game to game.
Strategic choices for playing preferred modes.
Bug fix.

Detailed changes description

Reference to the L-6 revision.

New feature adjustment A.2 27 “Route of cities”.
– “East west”: Same as rev. L-6. City modes are progressing from east to west.
– “Any route”: City modes are playable in a semi-random route. Criss-crossing the map.

Default: “East west”.

New feature adjustment A.2 28 “West coast city at”.
Options “10” – “16”: The city modes progression, at which, the west coast final modes become available. Applicable to the Any route mode only.

Default: “10”.

Any route configuraition detailed description.

The route:
W New York
O Miami
Y Atlanta

W Ohio
O New Orleans
Y Nashville

W Chicago
O Dallas
Y Kansas City

W Minnesota
Y Denver

W Butte
Y Salt Lake City
O Las Vegas

The trading post:
O Albuquerque

The west coast:
W Seattle
Y San Francisco
O Los Angeles

The route:
Game starts with New York lit.
On a mode finish, the next unplayed city on The route is lit.
A pop bumper hit will move a lit city to the next unplayed one on The route.
A stand-up target hit will move a lit city to the next unplayed one in its colour, if any, on The route.
The “next unplayed” is cycling back to the top.

The trading post:
Albuquerque is always city no. 8.
After Albuquerque, The route is re-entered at Denver.
If Denver is already played, lit city moves on to the next unplayed one.

The west coast:
At the adj. A.2 28 selected city number (10-16, default at 10) The west coast begins.
The city of The west coast, which is of same colour of the one just completed, is lit.

When adj. A.2 28 is set to a value between “10” and “15”:
The west coast stage is running as in rev. L-6.
A pop bumper hit will move a lit city to the next one on The west coast.
A stand-up target hit will move a lit city to the one of its colour on The west coast.
One west coast city may be played (with option to start the Super payday wizard mode).
After this, the map resets and New York is the city lit.

When adj. A.2 28 is set to “16”:
Special marathon option, where all three west coast cities may be played in succession.
A pop bumper hit will move a lit city to the next unplayed one on The west coast.
A stand-up target hit will move a lit city to the one of its colour on The west coast, if unplayed.
This stage is active until a) all west coast cities are played or b) Super payday is played.
After this, the map resets and New York is the city lit.

The map runs a new light show celebration, when 17 cities are completed.
With the 18th and final city pending play for a completion of the entire map.

The stand-up targets refered to are the orange, yellow and white ones only.

A bug where the Payday bonus could be given for an unplayed city (with 0 points), fixed.

The city of Houlton appears as an easter egg during Super payday. Does not affect points awarded.

A bug where the Los Angeles mode could fail to end on time expiration, fixed.

Adjustment A.1 21 “Language” is limited to “English”.

Adjustment A.1 28 “Min. vol override” defaults to “Yes”.


When adj. A.2 27 “Route of cities” is set to “East west”, the adj. A.2 28 “West coast city at” is irrelevant.

When adj. A.2 27 “Route of cities” is set to “Any route”, the adj. A.2 16 “Longer path” is irrelevant.

Sound board software

To be installed with sound board software rev. L-1.


Copyright 1996, 2020 Williams Electronics Games Inc. & Planetary Pinball Supply Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Star Trek (Data East)
Revision 3.00
Last updated April 2, 2020
Developer Chad Hendrickson


Replace the existing ROMs in your game with these two new ROMs.
The CPU ROM can be found on the MPU board in the backbox at location C5.
The DISPLAY ROM can be found behind the DMD display in the backbox at location ROM0.



Updated display routine from:

Skill Shot
Skill Shot

Player can abort Red Alert, XXX Sighted!, and Shields Up screens during Skill Shot intro by holding in either flipper button.
Flash the two Red Alert Flashers along with RED ALERT video during Skill Shot intro.
Ship sound effect will now play on first past during Ball 1 Skill Shot.
Adjusted speed of Skill Shot ship based on Ball #.
Upper playfield flashers updated to flash only when a ship is hit.
Ship will fly off screen now and have a continuous path.
After ship flies off screen there is now a small random delay before ship reappears.
Stop playing Ship flyby sound effect during Skill Shot after 30 times. Ship will be silent for the next 200+ passes. Ship will then play sound effect again for 30 times. Repeat. Now when someone walks away from an active game, the location operator will not go insane.


Right Scoop (Scanner):
Each ball starts with Right Scoop (Scanner) lit SOLID. After collecting Right Scoop (Scanner), the Left Scoop will FLASH and you have to shoot the Left Scoop to re-lite the Right Scoop (Scanner).
If you shoot the Right Scoop (Scanner) when it is not lit, it will display “<<< LEFT SCOOP LITES SCANNER!” and eject the ball. Note, some timed modes (such as Ice Planets, Tribble Trouble, Unlimited Millions, and the new Warp Ramps) simply eject the ball when Right Scoop (Scanner) is shot… that’s always been like that in this game as during these timed modes the Right Scoop (Scanner) is disabled.
All Scanner awards have been beefed up (or newly created such as Warp Ramps and Maximum Bonus) so the Scanner in general is more valuable now.
Left Scoop (Lite Crystals/Lite Scanners) logic:
If Left Scoop is SOLID then shooting it will collect Crystal and display previously unused crystal video.
If Left Scoop is FLASHING then shooting it will lite Right Scoop (Scanner), play previously unused “Scanner’s active” voice call and display “SCANNER’S ACTIVE”.
If Left Scoop is OFF then shooting it will collect Mystery Award (150,000 to 500,000 points). Note, turn on new Tournament Mode (Adjustment 41) to force this to always be 300,000 points.


Prevent “Computer, Working” voice call from getting cut short.
Scanner Award is now random and no longer based on ball time or ball number or games played. Note, turn on new Tournament Mode (Adjustment 41) to set this to not be random.
Increased amount of attempts to find a valid Scanner Award from 5 to 10. If nothing appropriate can be chosen within 10 tries then the “Scanner Of Last Resort” is now always 2 Million.
Scanner Award SHIELDS UP will now be offered more often and now lasts 15 seconds and has a sound effect played when it is activated.
Renamed LITE CRYSTAL to SPOT CRYSTAL. Scanner will not offer Spot Crystal if first Multiball has not been played yet.
Scanner Award MULTIBALL is now possible to be collected on Ball 2+. Previously it was only available on Ball 3+.
Scanner Award SPECIAL has been adjusted so it is now possible to be granted.
Possible SCANNER awards:
Advance Multiplier
Maximum Bonus (was Max Multiplier)
Lite Extra Ball
Lite Special
Tribble Trouble
Super Bumpers
Ice Planet Left
Ice Planet Right
Warp Ramps (was Unlimited Millions)
Shields Up
Lite Laser Kick
Spot Crystal
Video Mode
2 Million


Tribble Trouble timer extended from 20 seconds to 30 seconds.
Tribble Trouble scoring increased from 200,000 to 250,000 points per switch.
During this mode, the Top Gate to the left of the Top Lanes will not open when shooting the Right Orbit. This will allow the player to shoot the ball into the Pop Bumpers for maximum points.
Fixed bug with Tribble Trouble to now properly grant the initial points. The initial points have been increased from 100,000 to 1M.
Tribble Trouble timer will pause during Transport Now.


This mode is now on a 60 second timer. During this time, the Top Gate to the left of the Top Lanes will not open when shooting the Right Orbit. This will allow the player to shoot the ball into the Pop Bumpers.
Pop bumper value increased from 100,000 to 500,000 per hit.
Changed sound effects of pop bumpers when Super Bumps is active to only play Bang sounds.
Prevented Super Bumps from being chosen multiple times per ball.
Super Bumps timer will pause during Transport Now.


Right Ice Planet used to be started randomly during normal gameplay. It is now able to be started intentionally by the player.
This mode will now start after the player completes the Right Drop Target bank two times during a ball (during multiball is excluded). The timer on this mode has been extended from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
Player must hit all Right Drop Targets to collect 10 Million. If player fails, Right Drop Targets will be reset. Player can start this mode again by hitting all Right Drop Targets one more time.
After player collects 10 Million award, this will not be offered for the remainder of the ball.


Timer has been extended from 15 seconds to 20 seconds. This mode can only be activated via the Scanner.
Changed music played during Left Ice Planet to previously unused hurry up music track.


Updated introduction display routine from:




Video Mode






Video Mode

Player can abort Red Alert, Enemies Sighted!, and Battle Stations introduction screens by holding in either flipper button.
Flash the two Red Alert Flashers along with RED ALERT video during Video Mode introduction.
Forced PUSH FIRE BUTTON instructional video to play at introduction of all Video Modes regardless of Current Ball. Previously this instructional video would only play if it was Ball 1.
Video Mode ships are now more evenly chosen. Previously, there was a much greater chance for the game to choose the Klingon ship for each pass.
Previously unused “Million” explosion has been added to Video Mode when successfully shooting a ship.
Laser shots will now be shown.
Upper playfield flashers updated to flash only when a ship is hit.
Extended range of Skill Shot Ships so they fly off screen instead of just disappearing near the edge.
Video Mode ships will now have a random pause in between them.
Removed Ball Launcher coil from being fired every time Fire button is pressed during Video Mode.
Player is awarded 5M “Sharpshooter” bonus for successfully shooting all 10 enemy ships.
Pause added at the end of video mode before showing the final score.


Unlimited Millions has been removed from Scanner and replaced with Warp Ramps. Unlimited Millions can still be activated by advancing Phasers via Moving Target shot or by Left and Right Ramp.
Start of Warp Ramps will display previously unused WARP FACTOR display and “SHOOT RAMPS” text and “Those ramps are worth millions” voice call.
Every Ramp shot during this mode will grant 1M, advance Warp Factor by 1.0, and will display the Warp Factor screen with current value.
Warp Ramps is on a 30 second timer. But timer will be extended if a Ramp shot is made within the last 5 seconds. This means the mode will not end if you are in the middle of a multiple Ramp shot cycle.
Ramp flashers will flash once every second during this mode. Arpeggio sound effect will play while this mode is active.
Warp Factor achieved will be displayed at the end of mode if maximum Warp value of 9.9 was not achieved.
Phasers will not advance while Warp Ramps is active. This is to help prevent the conflict of Warp Ramps and Unlimited Millions happening at the same time.
If Multiball is started during Warp Ramps mode, then Warp Ramps will end prematurely and final Warp Factor value will be displayed before Multiball begins.


Every time a Ramp is shot during Ramp Millions, in addition to the normal 1M points, the Warp Factor will be increased by 0.3. The current Warp Factor value will also be displayed.


Warp Factor value is reset to 0.0 at the start of every ball.
If Warp Factor 6.0 is achieved (even outside of Warp Ramps mode) player will be granted Extra Ball Lit.
If Warp Factor 9.9 is achieved (even outside of Warp Ramps mode), the player will be rewarded with 17,010,000 points, screen will flash 17,010,000 points, previously unused jackpot sound effect is played, GI is flashed quickly, the display will show flying Enterprise Ship video, voice call of Spock saying “Live long and prosper” will play, and music is changed. If this was achieved during Warp Ramps mode, then mode will end. Warp Factor will remain at 9.9 for the rest of the ball.
Added display of Warp Factor bonus to End Of Ball. Every 0.1 Warp Factor is worth an additional 100k End Of Ball bonus.


Now starts at 1M and increases by 1M for every shot on the Primary Crystal.
Fixed a bug that scored 3M when Adjustment 42 UNLIMITED MILLION STYLE is set to OFF.
Can’t be started during multiball.
Reduced timing of light show during Transport Now. Previously it went on well after Transport Now sequence had ended.
Top Gate will no longer open briefly during start of Multiball.
Increased Shields On Ball Save timer at the start of Multiball from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
Fixed bug where Ramp inserts go SOLID ON after shooting Ramp to Lite Moving Target during Multiball
Prevented Phasers from advancing via Ramps during Multiball since Unlimited Millions would often interfere with the shooting of the Ramps to relite Primary Crystal.
“SHOOT RAMPS” text display with Ramp shots remaining count down counter and previously unused “Captain” voice call will occasionally play when this part of the Multiball sequence is active.
Every time a Jackpot is achieved, the amount of Ramps required to be shot to relite Primary Crystal is now increased by one to a maximum of six
Jackpot for 5M, 10M, and 15M will now display Scotty and McCoy. Jackpot for 20M and 25M will display Spock. Previously the video displayed was random each time.
Flashers added to light show during Jackpot.
Jackpot light show has been reduced. Previously it went on way too long.
Primary Crystal is now allowed to be collected even when Jackpot sequence is playing.
Get The Primary Crystal audio/video will now occasionally play when this part of the Multiball sequence is active.
Fixed bug so “Get The Primary Crystal” is not played when Ramp is shot when Transporter is open.
Fixed bug where Ramp shot during Multiball would restart the Jackpot music.
Fixed bug where if late Jackpot is collected after normal gameplay has resumed, Crystal 4 Playfield Insert Green lamp would remain FLASHING. Instead turn this Green lamp OFF and set Yellow to SOLID ON.
At the start of Multiball all running timers (Super Bumpers, Unlimited Million, Ice Planets, Tribble Trouble) will be paused during the Transport Now Multiball Intro animation and resume after that.


Re-Lite Laser Kick insert will now behave much more logically and consistently.
Changed logic for re-liting Laser Kick from Average Ball Time to Current Ball Time.
Now if the Current Ball Time is under 100 seconds when Laser Kick is activated then the Re-Lite Laser Kick insert will immediately lite and you only have to shoot the Right Orbit one time for Laser Kick Is Active.
If the Current Ball Time is over 100 seconds then you will have to shoot the Right Orbit one time to lite the Re-Lite Laser Kick insert and then a second time for Laser Kick Is Active.


Increased base value of Victory from 1M to 2M.
Prevented Victory Laps from playing during End Of Ball.


Added Warp Factor
Added Power Level
Adjusted timing of Instant Info screens to flow better.


Added previously unused “What In Blazes Is This?” voice call to the possible sounds played when ball drains via Outlanes.
Big Value reward value when draining via outlane is now based on Current Active Ball Time instead of being completely random. The longer your ball time, the higher your reward will be. Maximum is 1M.
Adjusted End Of Ball Bonus to increase faster and have a higher maximum. Each switch hit has been increased from 7,500 to 10,000 per switch. The maximum bonus has been increased from 500,000 to 2,000,000.
Slingshot switches will now also advance End Of Ball Bonus.
Increased pause when showing all scores during multiplayer game during End Of Ball.
Adjusted sounds during Bonus Multiplier and Bonus part of End Of Ball to synchronize with animation.
Fixed End Of Ball routine to display TOTAL bonus based on Bonus Multiplier instead of base bonus.
Added display of Warp Factor bonus to End Of Ball. Every 0.1 Warp Factor is worth an additional 100k End Of Ball bonus.


Adjusted timing between all Game Over sequence screens to flow better.
Moved Enter Initials sequence to run before Match sequence.
Added ability backspace while entering High Score Initials via < character.
Increased timer for entering High Score Initials from 20 seconds to 30 seconds.
Adjusted timing of laser and explosion to be better synchronized during Match Sequence video.
Adjusted timing so Ship sound effect is synchronized with animation during Game Over screen.
Music has been added to the Buy-In countdown. Previously this was silent.


Adjusted timing so all Attract Mode screens flow better.
Extended Attract Mode Instructions to include SHOOT CONSECUTIVE RAMPS FOR MILLIONS.


Changed sound effects when scrolling through Audits and Adjustments & Diagnostics.
Fixed Skill Shot Audit bug with when playing a 4 or 5 ball game.
Audit 76 changed from SCANNER LIT to SCANNER ACT (short for Activated).
Audit 85 changed from SCANNER. MAXIMUM ‘X’ to SCANNER, MAX. BONUS.
Adjustment 16 TILT WARNINGS can now be set to 0, 1, 2, or 3. Default for Tilt Warnings is 2.
EJECT BALL SAVE – Adjustment 30 has been changed from CLEAN GAME EVERY to EJECT BALL SAVE. The Right Scoop Ball Eject will activate this new user adjustable timer. The default for this timer is 3 seconds. Update this adjustment as you see required for your specific machine. CLEAN GAME EVERY has been hard coded to its original default value of 1500.
TOURNAMENT MODE – Adjustment 41 has been changed from RECALL SCANNERS (was never coded in original game) to TOURNAMENT MODE. Default is NO. See TOURNAMENT MODE section below for details.
The spotting of a Crystal at the start of each ball prior to the first Multiball is now tied to Adjustment 46. Adjustment 46 still controls the spotting of Drop Target Crystals also. Adjustment 46 has been renamed from “SPOT DROP CRYSTALS” to “SPOT CRYSTALS”. The default for this adjustment is now OFF.
Fixed Restart Game to NOT restart on Ball 3 if Adjustment 50 RESTART GAME is NO.


Enable TOURNAMENT MODE by setting Adjustment 41 to YES.
Right Scoop (Scanner) will offer a limited selection of Awards. Those Awards will be in a set (non-random) order.
Tournament Mode Scanner Awards:
Tribble Trouble *
Warp Ramps *
Super Bumpers
Shields Up
Maximum Bonus
Video Mode (if enabled) *
2 Million

* = won’t be chosen if Multiball is active.

Left Scoop Mystery Score will always be 300,000 points.
Will also automatically set these adjustments as follows:
Adjustment 3 – Replay Levels = OFF
Adjustment 4 – Game Awards = NONE
Adjustment 6 – Limit Extra Balls = 0
Adjustment 16 – Tilt Warnings = 2
If you prefer not to have Video Mode included during a tournament due to its slightly random nature, simply turn Video Mode off via Adjustment 47.


Made it so game will not restart until Start button is held down for a couple seconds. Previously it would restart immediately. This should help prevent accidental restarts.
Added “Star Trek 25th Anniversary” video to start of game.
Every ball will start with Shields Up (Ball Save) for 10 seconds.
Made it so Transporter At XX% Power video and voice call will play at the start of each ball.
Made it so previously unused Transporter At 90% Power video and voice call are played along with Get Primary Crystal video when this level is reached. Previously only Get Primary Crystal video would be shown.
Made it so previously unused Transporter At Full Power video is shown occasionally while Scotty is saying “We have full power, shoot the transporter”.
Light show will no longer play when advancing Bonus Multiplier as this interferes with the Top Lane lights routine.
Changed Slingshots to only play laser sound effects.
Adjusted timing on Shoot Again voice call to better synchronize with video.
“Fire!” voice call will now play everytime a ball is launched.
Crystal 4 Playfield Insert will now be Green SOLID ON / Yellow FLASH after Primary Crystal is collected. Previously it remained Green FLASH.
Set Crystal 4 Playfield Insert to Yellow SOLID ON and Crystal 4 Green to OFF if ball drains during Unlimited Millions mode regardless of Recall Crystals adjustment. Previously this insert was bugged and would continue with Green FLASH / Yellow FLASH.
Fixed bug at ball start that caused the Primary Crystal ready music to be restarted when ball is launched.
Amount of GI flashing has been reduced overall.
Extra Ball, Special, and Replay light shows have been reduced in overall length.
All displayed timers (Unlimited Millions, Left Ice Planet, Right Ice Planet, Multiball, Jackpot, Victory) have been adjusted to start with a better “rounded to nearest 5 seconds” timer.
Timers will now play alarm at 3 seconds left and one of the Hurry/Do Something/My God Man What Are You Waiting For? voice calls only one time at 2 seconds left.
Drop Target reset power has been increased very slightly.
Pop Bumper power has been increased very slightly.
Improved Ball Search logic.

Star Wars (version 1.07)

Freeze (Ballspeicherung) mit einem 10-Sekunden-Timer hinzugefügt. Rampe sammelt keine Kraftauszeichnung mehr. Bonus für das Erklimmen der Rampe reduziert. Relite Force Award über Rampe normalisiert auf alle 5 Schüsse. Die Logik für die Zählung der Lite-Extrabälle auf der Rampe wurde geändert. S in STAR WARS wird nicht mehr am Anfang des Balls angezeigt. Pop Bumper Sarlacc Wert erhöht. Jabba Scoop vergibt Sarlacc-Wert plus Jabba Award, wenn er leuchtet. Relite Relaunch-Logik basiert nun auf der aktuellen Ballzeit. Wenn die Drop Targets Bank einmal getroffen wird, wird Left Orbit bei Bedarf neu gestartet. Die Chance, einen Extra-Ball über den Force Award zu erhalten, wurde erhöht. Erforderliche Anzahl von Pop Bumpern zum Sammeln des AT-AT Walker-Modus reduziert. Erforderlicher Schuss auf die Dunkle Seite erhöht. Erschießt den Todesstern bleibt aktiv, wenn er während des Ballabwurfs aktiv war. Anfangswert des Tri-Ball-Jackpots erhöht. End-of-Ball-Bonus-Preise und -Maximum erhöht. Die Standard-Highscores wurden gesenkt. Combo- und Super-Combo-Prämien wurden erhöht. Tonrufe zu Combo und Super Combo hinzugefügt. Skill Shot Audio-Stereo-Panning wurde mit der Anzeige synchronisiert. Sprachaufrufe zu "Das ist keine Höhle"-Schuss hinzugefügt. Sound und Video zum Super Laser Kick Force Award hinzugefügt. Links/Rechts-Orbit-Audits korrigiert. Force Award Audit behoben.

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Star Wars (Data East)
Revision 1.07
Last updated December 17, 2016
Developer: Chad Hendrickson


Replace the existing ROM in your game with this new ROM.
The CPU ROM can be found on the MPU board in the backbox at location C5.


Added Freeze (ball save) on a 10 second timer.

Ramp no longer collects Force Award.
Climbing ramp bonus reduced.
Relite Force Award via ramp normalized to every 5 shots.
Lite Extra Ball ramp count logic changed.
S in STAR WARS no longer spotted at beginning of ball
Pop Bumper Sarlacc Value increased.
Jabba Scoop will award Sarlacc Value plus Jabba Award when lit.
Relite Relaunch logic now based on current ball time.
Hitting Drop Targets bank once will relite Left Orbit when required.
Chance to attain Extra Ball via Force Award increased.
Required number of Pop Bumpers to collect AT-AT Walker mode reduced.
Dark Side shot requirement increased.
Shoot The Death Star remains active if was active during ball drain.
Initial Tri-Ball Jackpot value increased.
End Of Ball Bonus awards and maximum increased.
Default high scores lowered.
Combo and Super Combo awards increased.
Sound calls added to Combo and Super Combo.
Skill Shot audio stereo panning synchonized with display.
Voice calls added to “This is no cave” shot.
Sound and video added to Super Laser Kick Force Award.
Left/Right Orbit Audits fixed.
Force Award Audit fixed.
Shots & Targets:


1) X-Wing Targets: These are the five spot targets around various parts of the playfield. Hitting each target for the first time awards 100K points, and 3,330 points for subsequent hits. Once all five are lit, 2M points are awarded and X-Mode is lit.
2) Drop Targets: These are the three drop targets by the entrance to the center ramp. These are worth 50,010 points individually, and 300K when all three are dropped. Once drop targets have been cleared three times, Hyper Space will be lit (completing Hyper Space also lights Yoda) and Bonus Multiplier will increase by 2X. All subsequent clearing of drop targets prior to collecting Hyper Space will increase Bonus Multiplier by 2X. Clearing all three drop targets in a very short amount of time will award an additional 1M points. Drop targets are also part of the process for Lighting the Re-Launch.
3) Pop Bumpers: Most of the time, one hit to the pop bumpers adds 52,180 to the Sarlacc value. The Sarlacc value starts at 500K each ball, and can always be collected via the Sarlacc pit scoop. Pop bumpers are also integral targets for AT-AT Walkers and Million Pops modes.
4) Inner Orbit: This is the shot to the immediate right of the Death Star. C-3PO’s Eye, Light the Force, Extra Ball, X-Mode and Yoda are collected here. This shot also begins the Combo.
5) Force Scoop: This is the left scoop. When unlit, this shot counts towards a Dark Side shot. When lit, it will grant one of four Force awards, and reveal a section of the hidden Force award. This shot is the only way to Collect the Force Awards. The possibilities for the awards in the smaller boxes are:


Lite Yoda
AT-AT Walkers
Million Pops
Super Laser Kick
X-Wing Multi Millions
Lite Hyper Space
5M – 10M points
Lite Speeder mode
Max Multipliers
Hold Bonus
Lite Tauntaun
Wild Card (Sarlacc value)
Lite Extra-Ball
Tri-Ball ready


Once all four Force awards have been awarded, the Force light will blink to indicate the hidden Force Award:


Super R2-D2 Runaway
Super Death Star
Jedi Return
Extra Ball
Special (rare)


This shot is also part of Jedi Return, and Super Combo.
6) Death Star: Hitting the yellow Death Star target will spot a moon that counts towards Tri-Ball. During Tri-Ball, this shot increases the jackpot and awards super jackpot. This shot is also used in Super Death Star mode.
7) Left Orbit: Awards a letter in STAR WARS, part of the process to Lighting the Re-Launch, awards Victory Lap, one of the shots in Jedi Return, part of the Combo, and awards current value in R2-D2 Runaway and Super R2-D2. Also, right in-lane to left orbit will award two letters in STAR WARS.
8) Center Ramp: The game will keep track of the number of times the center ramp is made either by ball or by game – with STAR WARS 20th Anniversary Edition, I strongly recommend leaving this at the default setting of “by game”. The center ramp awards Millions, a letter in STAR WARS, is the jackpot shot in Tri-Ball, awards Hyper Space, integral part of Empire, part of the Combo, and lights Extra Ball on the 18th ramp shot. In addition, every 5th shot will light the Force if not lit already. The 20th Anniversary Edition has removed the ability for the center ramp to Collect Force Award.
9) Right Orbit: Awards a letter in STAR WARS, awards Victory Lap, one of the shots in Jedi Return, and awards current value in R2-D2 Runaway and Super R2-D2. This is also the best shot to get the ball into the pop bumpers.
10) Slingshots: Besides slinging the ball into the out-lanes, these award 3,330 points with each hit.
11) Left Out-lane: Contains a Kickback feature (Re-Launch) and collects the Tauntaun value.
12) Left In-lane: Lights Jabba’s bounty for a limited amount of time.
13) Right In-lane: Activates 2X for STAR WARS letters via the left orbit for a limited amount of time.
14) Right Out-lane: Collects the Tauntaun value.
15) Sarlacc Pit: This is the right scoop. Shooting the Sarlacc pit always awards the Sarlacc value. The left in-lane will temporarily light Jabba’s Bounty here, and the 14 bounty awards are:


Lite Speeder Mode
Lite Force
Lite Re-Launch
Lite Tauntaun
Advance 1 Death Star moon
Advance 1 X-Wing
Advance 1 Hyper Space light
Advance 1 C-3PO Eye
Increase EOB Bonus Mult. 2X
Bonus Hold
1M points
2M points
3M points
4M points


Modes & Other Bonuses:


Skill Shot


How to obtain: Each ball launch starts with a small video mode where the object is to shoot the TIE Fighter scrolling across the display.
Scoring: Direct hits award 2M for the first ball, 3M for the second ball, and 4M for the third ball, whereas for misses it awards 200K, 300K or 400K, respectively.
Other: When launching an extra ball you have to rely on using the Force to shoot the TIE Fighter (listen to the sound, usually shooting when hearing the” swoosh” will be a hit).


How to obtain: Drain ball within 10 seconds of launch. Ball will be automatically launched back into play.
Other: Only allowed once per ball.
X-Wing Multi Million
How to obtain: Force award.
Scoring: You have 20 seconds to hit as many X-Wing targets as you can. The first hit awards 1M, second 2M, third 3M, etc.
Other: This mode can add up to some good points. However, the ball tends to get out of control when going for the targets. The easiest is the middle set to hit. Also, each time you hit a flipper you hear the sounds of the X-Wing cannon, and an X-Wing blowing up a tie fighter with each hit on the display.


How to obtain: Force award, Yoda.
Scoring: You have 16 seconds to hit as many targets as possible. Starting value of 5M, and a hit to anything adds 250K. The total is granted after the EOB Bonus and the multiplier has no effect.
Other: A good pop bumper romp will add up quick. Shoot the right orbit for best way to get the ball into the pop bumpers.
Million Pops


How to obtain: Force award.
Scoring: For the remainder of that ball, the pop bumpers will be lit for 100K a hit. Hitting all four poppers is an additional 1M. These points are awarded immediately and are not counted towards the Sarlacc value.
How to obtain: Repeated center ramp shots.
3 ramps = 1 million
7 ramps = 1 million
14 ramps = 1 million
21 ramps = 2 million
31 ramps = 3 million
43 ramps = 4 million
57 ramps = 5 million
73 ramps = 7 million
91 ramps = 9 million
99 ramps = 9 million
Other: Prior to the version 1.04 code, this was the most unbalanced shot in the game. As you can see above, balance has been bought back into the game of STAR WARS.
AT-AT Walkers
How to obtain: Force award, Yoda.
Scoring: You have 20 seconds to hit the pop bumpers 15 times for 30M.
Other: Display shows an AT-AT Walker approached the Hoth base, and shots being fired with hits to the bumpers. Try to shoot the right orbit right away. In my opinion, this is one of the more challenging modes.
R2-D2 Runaway
How to obtain: Gain two C-3PO eyes, either through the inner orbit or Jabba’s bounty.
Scoring: R2-D2 will be lit for a countdown shot that starts at 15M and goes to zero. The playfield indicates that a right orbit shot will award the current value, but either outside orbit shot will do the same.
Super R2-D2 Runaway
How to obtain: Force award (hidden).
Scoring: This is a countdown shot to R2-D2 that starts at 50M and decreases by 10M. Again, the playfield indicates that a right orbit shot will award the current value, but either outside orbit shot will do the same.
Super Death Star
How to obtain: Yoda, or Force award (hidden).
Scoring: This is a countdown shot to the Death Star that starts at 50M and decreases by 5M.
How to obtain: All shots to the outside orbits or middle ramp will award one letter (including if the ball makes it to R2-D2 on the initial ball launch). Right in-lane to left orbit awards two letters. Full STAR WARS spelling is also awarded via Force award or Yoda.
Scoring: Spelling STAR WARS awards 10M points.
Hyper Space


How to obtain: Clear drop targets three times (aided by Jabba’s bounty through the advance Hyper Space award), or by the Force.
Scoring: Middle ramp will be lit for Hyper Space (5M points) and an EOB Bonus multiplier of 2X is awarded. Each time the drop targets are cleared before collecting the 5M, the EOB Bonus multiplier will go up 2X (up to 8X). 1M points are awarded if already at 8X. Once collected, Yoda will be lit. Also, collecting Hyper Space every third time in one game awards 10M instead of 5M, but does not lit Yoda.
Victory Lap
How to obtain: Reaching the replay value if replay award is set to credit and free game limit has not been reached.
Scoring: You have 15 seconds to shoot either outside orbit shot to collect 25M.
Other: See Alternative Settings.


How to obtain: Force award (hidden).
Scoring: Three ramp shots in 20 seconds awards 30M.
Extra Ball


How to obtain: Light Extra Ball via 18 ramp shots (if not collected elsewhere prior) and collected via inner orbit shot. An extra ball may also be lit from the Force, collected from hidden Force award, or awarded directly from Yoda (Special) or as a replay award – the latter depending on game award settings.
Dark Side


How to obtain: Shoot the Force scoop when it is unlit.
Scoring: Five Dark Side shots award 25M.
Other: Cool lighting effects here and some classic Darth Vader lines. This is often overlooked. If the machine you are on is easy to catch the ball after the scoop ejects it, repeatable shots here are possible.
How to obtain: The first way is to spot eight moons by hitting the Death Star, which will open the Death Star for the remainder of the game. A shot then to the open Death Star will start Tri-Ball. The second way is to spot at least five moons and then lower the lever and push the launch button to open the Death Star (listen for “Death Star approaching”). This will automatically award 5M points. However, you now only have a limited time to follow up with a Death Star shot, or the moons all get reset to one. The time to do this depends on the number of lit moons – they will un-light one by one until zero are lit. The final way is to select ‘Tri-Ball’ from Yoda, or get ‘Tri-Ball ready’ from the Force. This will open the Death Star as if you had spotted eight moons.
Scoring: One shot to the Death Star will light the 25M jackpot on the ramp. Any shot to the Death Star thereafter will increase the jackpot by 1M. After the jackpot is collected with a ramp shot, the Death Star is opened for a limited time (See Game Play Settings) for a super jackpot (2X jackpot). Whether or not the super jackpot was collected, the process begins again. However, the number of Death Star hits to light the jackpot increases by one and the jackpot increases 1M every time the cycle begins again. Depending on the game rules, a re-race may be presented if 2 balls drain (See Game Play Settings). If re-race is offered, a successful shot to the open Death Star will restart Tri-Ball.
Other: The music changes to different Star Wars theme music when obtaining the jackpot or super jackpot with an exciting opening and super jackpot animation.
Lighting the Re-Launch


How to obtain: If the current ball time is higher than 90 seconds, you have to drop the drop target bank one time followed by a left orbit shot. If the current ball time is 90 seconds or lower, a left orbit shot is all that is needed. Fortunately, the Re-Launch is lit at the beginning of every ball.
Storm Trooper Shootout


How to obtain: Random (but never on ball one).
Scoring: There will be seven storm troopers on the display. The first six are worth 500,000 each. The seventh and final one is worth 3M for a total for 6M. Quickly press the shooter button seven times (or hold it down) to shoot the seven storm troopers. You cannot stop shooting once you start or the mode will end and you will only collect the points for the storm troopers you shot.
Other: You don’t always have to go for this – it’s not worth draining over 6M. I like this mode as it adds that extra bit of strategy. Look for the red light above the shifter to let you know when you can start shooting – the first time this mode comes up you have to wait longer before you can start.
Jedi Return
How to obtain: Force award (hidden).
Scoring: You have 15 seconds to hit any lit red arrow (either orbit or Force scoop) for 10M each.


How to obtain: Yoda, Force award (hidden), or replay award.
Scoring: When the replay point amount is reached and the replay award is Special, then Special is lit and collected via either orbit shot where a credit is awarded. If the free game limit is reached and the extra ball limit is not, an extra ball is awarded immediately. Yoda and the Force will award Special immediately whether it is a credit or extra ball.
How to obtain: Force award, or collecting Hyper Space.
Scoring: You get to pick one of two offered awards. The possibilities are spelling STAR WARS, Cantina, AT-AT Walkers, 20M, Tri-Ball, Super Death Star, or Special.
Other: Collecting Hyper Space every third time awards 10M points instead of 5M, and does not light Yoda. When Yoda is lit, the gain C-3PO light will not be lit.
Speeder Mode


How to obtain: Speeder Mode is lit by hitting all five X-Wing targets, the Force, or by Jabba’s bounty and collected via shooting the inner orbit.
Scoring: Automatic 10M.
Other: X-Mode is lit on the playfield, but it is actually Speeder Mode on the display. On top of that, Speeder Mode is a tease with no real interaction (use the fire button to make a shooting noise – hold down fire button to end the animation early). There is speculation as to why this once ‘video mode’ was cut from production – possibly a rights issue with ‘video mode’. Calling it Speeder Bonus would have been a better fit.
End Of Ball Bonus


How to obtain: Drain without tilting.
Scoring: The EOB Bonus starts at 25K. A hit to any target / switch adds 37,500 (with the exception of the sling shots). This accumulated value times the multiplier is awarded.
Other: The increased EOB Bonus in version 1.04 now makes the Max Multiplier and Hold Bonus a much more desired reward.
Max Multiplier


How to obtain: Force award.
Scoring: Automatically increases the EOB Bonus multiplier to 8X.
Hold Bonus


How to obtain: Force award, Jabba’s bounty.
Scoring: Carries EOB Bonus to the next ball.


How to obtain: Force award, Jabba’s bounty.
Scoring: Once lit, either out-lane will award a random amount of 5M, 5.25M, 5.5M, 5.75M, 6M, 6.25M, 6.5M, 6.75M, 7M or 7.25M. The higher the ball number you are on, the greater the award amount possibilities will be.
Other: To get the most out of this, combine with a Super Laser Kick.
Super Laser Kick


How to obtain: Force award.
Scoring: The left outlane Re-Launch remains lit and active for the remainder of the ball.
Other: This is always a welcoming award, especially if Tauntaun is lit.


How to obtain: Inner orbit, to ramp, to left orbit
Scoring: 15M.
Other: A sound quote from Leia will be played and will briefly show Luke and Leia on the display. Hitting any switches (excluding the slingshots) between the three shots will cancel the Combo.
Super Combo
How to obtain: Start with Combo, and end with a shot to the Force scoop.
Scoring: An additional 10M (for a total of 25M).
Other: This time, you’ll see Darth Vader and Luke on the screen along with a sound quote from Darth Vader. These combos are not documented or hinted at in any way on the playfield.
Alternative Settings:
Victory Lap Settings: Victory Lap is only available if the replay award is credit and you did not reach the free game limit. If credit is the replay award, and you have already reached the limit for free games, then an extra ball is awarded. One option is to set the replay award to credit, free game limit to 1, and the second replay to only be 25M higher than the first replay. Using these settings, the first replay is a chance to score 25M points, which will in turn award an extra ball from the second replay. If the Victory Lap is missed, the second replay will not give the chance for a Victory lap and simply award an extra ball (it is simply harder to get without making the Victory Lap). Experiment with what works for you.
Other Features:


Getting the ball into the sink hole where it normally feeds the ball to the habitrail after the inner orbit shot will trigger Han Solo saying ‘this is no cave’ or ‘never tell me the odds’ or C-3PO saying ‘R2-D2, where are you?’ and the ball will shoot up into the habitrail to the left flipper. This awards 150K points. It is a pretty clever reference and very fitting for the playfield art above.
No Video Mode?! Many criticize this game for not having a video mode. However, between the opening skill shots, the Storm Trooper Shoot Out, and the notable interactive displays for modes such as X- Wing Multi Millions, Return of the Jedi, Yoda and AT-ATs, I find there is plenty of 1992 dot matrix bliss.
Skipping the intro – hold down either flipper button.
Instruction card indicates a Hyper Bonus Countdown, this is a reference to the ability to skip the End Of Ball bonus buy holding a flipper button.
There is a buy-in feature that will let the player start a new game with the points reset, while resuming all of the progress from the previous game. This is nice for beginners to see all the Force awards and other modes this game offers.



Fixed game start to always play Star Destroyer rumble sound even if Start is pressed during match sequence.


Spamming fire button will no longer grant Skill Shot award on Ball 2 and Ball 3. Also the Tie Fighter starts off screen at beginning of animation now which looks more natural.


A perfect bullseye shot will now offer 2X Skill Shot award and play Luke voice call of “I got him!”. A hit to the side of the Tie Fighter will score regular Skill Shot award. You are rewarded more for accuracy now!


Removed explosion sound from missed Skill Shot.


Fixed it so laser shot animation will always play for a missed Skill Shot.


Changed timer on Cantina from 16 seconds to 23 seconds which allows full song to always play.


Added Emperor voice call of “There is a great disturbance in the Force” to start of Empire.


Added metal clanging sound effect to Speeder Mode lit video.


Added bang sound effect to Million Pops start.


Added voice call “Red 2 standing by” and “Red 3 standing by” to start of X-Wing Multi Millions.


X-Wing Multi Millions now starts at 2 Million instead of 1 Million.


Taun Taun – Made Han’s voice call start a bit sooner to give it a better chance to finish and fixed bug on scoring during Ball 4+.


The Force Award named Wildcard would always grant Sarlaac Pit. This has been changed to truly be a wildcard and will pick from one of eight random Force Awards.




Changed timer on Jedi Return from 15 seconds to 30 seconds.


Extended pause at start of Super Death Star to allow player to have a chance of hitting 50 Million.


Extended pause at start of Super R2-D2 to allow player to have a chance of hitting 50 Million.


Super R2D2 Runaway scoring change:


original – Starts at 50M, 10M subtracted every 2 seconds, timer is 10 seconds.


update – Starts at 50M, 2M subtracted every 1 seconds, timer is 25 seconds.


Fixed Super Force Award selection to not have double chance of choosing Empire.


Made it so Empire will only be chosen a max of one time (like Jedi Return).


Made it so second round of Super Force Awards will offer 30 Million instead of 25 Million.




Extended time before ball is kicked out of Sarlacc scoop so player has chance to read bonus.




Fixed Jabba’s Bounty to also offer Collect Force.


Fixed bug with Jabba’s Bounty award Lite C-3PO Eyes to only select this if it is available.


Jabba’s Bounty award Lite Laser Kick will now lite the actual Laser Kick lamp (if available) instead of the Lite Laser Kick lamp.




Adjustment 46 (Spot Death Star Moon) has been modified. Hard will now only spot one moon per ball. Hard and Factory will no longer guarantee all eight moons on Ball 3. This allows the player to better customize the game to their expertise.


New Spot Death Star Moon behavior:


Extra Hard (Never spot moon)


Ball 1 = X O O O O O O O


Ball 2 = X O O O O O O O


Ball 3 = X O O O O O O O


Hard (Spot 1 moon, after Tri-ball spot 0 moon) – This is default


Ball 1 = X X O O O O O O


Ball 2 = X X X O O O O O


Ball 3 = X X X X O O O O


Factory (Spot 2 moon, after Tri-ball spot 1 moon)


Ball 1 = X X X O O O O O


Ball 2 = X X X X X O O O


Ball 3 = X X X X X X X O


Easy (Spot 2 moon, guarantee all moons spotted on ball 3, after Tri-ball spot 1 moon)


Ball 1 = X X X O O O O O


Ball 2 = X X X X X O O O


Ball 3 = X X X X X X X X


Extra Easy (Spot 4 moon, guarantee all moons spotted on ball 2, after Tri-ball spot 2 moon)


Ball 1 = X X X X X O O O


Ball 2 = X X X X X X X X


Ball 3 = X X X X X X X X




Fixed Yoda choice to accept input right away and extended timer for choice.


Added “Empire” as a possible Yoda award.




Three shots to C-3PO Eyes are now required to start R2-D2 Runaway.


R2-D2 Runaway starting countdown value has been changed from 15 Million to 20 Million.




Increased bonus from 6 Million to 10 Million for a successful completion of this mode.




Removed collecting STAR WARS letter from ramp.


Collected STAR WARS letters will no longer reset at the start of each ball.



Fixed stutter with “Death Star approaching” voice call if played between balls.


“Freeze!” voice call fixed to not get cut short. Chewbacca’s cry will now play properly.


Fixed bug where Super Laser Kick will not collect in rare instances where Laser Kick lamp is flashing.


Tilt Warnings (Adjustment 16) range is now configurable from 0 to 3 and all inclusive and default is 2.


Victory Lap will now also play when Award is set to Extra Ball.


Death Star and R2-D2 motors will now keep running and lamps will stay lit when Freeze is initiated.


Made it so Extra Ball on Ramp 18 will always be offered even if Extra Ball was already collected.


Updated random voice calls for both return lanes. Added unused voice call of Ben saying “I need your help, Luke” and fixed separate “Red 2” and “Standing by” voice calls to properly say “Red 2 standing by” contiguously. Removed voice call of Yoda saying “Give you points I will” because he isn’t in this instance.


Switch 56 is not used but the code will run an incorrect subroutine. Fixed it so a ghost triggering of this switch will be ignored.


Prevented “This is some rescue!” and “Oh my!” voice call while draining from being cut short if Cantina mode is playing.


Timing on the Hyper Space videos has been slightly extended to allow whole video to play.


Voice call when updating Adjustments will no longer get cut short.


Restart Game (Adjustment 41) function now requires Start button to be held down for two seconds. Default for this adjustment is on.

Tales From The Crypt
Revision 4.00
Last updated October 2, 2015
Developer: Chad Hendrickson


Replace the existing ROMs in your game with these two new ROMs.
The CPU ROM can be found on the MPU board in the backbox at location C5.
The DISPLAY ROM can be found behind the DMD display in the backbox at location ROM0.


Skill Shot
Original: Always plays same speed for all balls.
Update: Ball 1 plays slower speed, Ball 2 plays original speed, Ball 3 plays faster speed.
Skill Shot
Original: Guillotine sound effect plays repeatedly until trigger is pressed.
Update: Guillotine sound effect is played only for first 30 times then is silenced for next 225. Player can immediately silence the guillotine at any time by pressing right flipper button.
Skill Shot
Original: Skill Shot score is Ball + 3M.
Update: Skill Shot score is Ball x 2M. This matches the description on the playfield plastic.
Captive Ball
Original: All hits = 1M except for 5th hit = 5M, 10th = Extra Ball, 20th hit = 20M, 30th hit = 30M, 40th hit = 40M, 50th hit = 50M, etc.
Update: All hits = 2M except for 5th hit = 5M + Extra Ball, 10th = 10M, 20th hit = 20M, 30th hit = 30M, 40th hit = 40M, 50th hit = 50M, etc.
EOB Bonus
Original: Starts at 10,000. 15,000 per switch.Maximum of 5,000,000. Maximum 8X multiplier.
Update: No change.
EOB Multiplier
Original: Increase multiplier by hitting all drop targers. Maximum 8X multiplier then 1M per shot afterwards.
Update: No change.
Orginal: Worth 25,010.
Update: Worth 50,010.
Right Orbit Loop
Original: Worth .5M, 1M, 1.5M, 2M, 2.5M, 2.5M, 2.5M, etc. Must not hit any other switches in between.
Update: Worth 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 5M, 5M, etc. Must not hit any other switches in between.
Adjustment 51 – M-Ball Ready Style
Original: Has no effect on the game. Game always spots 3 CRYPT letters between balls. Player is guaranteed to have CRYPT spelled by third ball.
Update: Controls how many CRYPT letters are spotted between balls.
EXTRA EASY will spot 3 letters (1 letter after multi-ball) – This is same as game plays in v.3.03.
Ball 1 = C
Ball 2 = CRYP
Ball 3 = CRYPT (Multi-ball ready)
EASY will spot 2 letters (1 letter after multi-ball)
Ball 1 = C
Ball 2 = CRY
Ball 3 = CRYPT (Multi-ball ready)
MEDIUM will spot 1 letter (0 letters after multi-ball) – This is the default
Ball 1 = C
Ball 2 = CR
Ball 3 = CRY
HARD will spot 0 letters always
Ball 1 = C
Ball 2 = C
Ball 3 = C
EXTRA HARD will spot 0 letters and will reset to C between balls (will reset to nothing after multi-ball)
Ball 1 = C
Ball 2 = C
Ball 3 = C
Door Prize Video Mode
Original: Successful doors are worth 20M, 15M, 10M, 10M, 10M, etc. Completely random and therefore not tournament friendly.
Update: Successful doors are worth 15M, 10M, 5M, 5M, 5M, etc. If any tournament mode is active then door prize collects 30M and mode ends.
Electric Chair Multiball
Original: 6 ball multiball. Scoop is worth 1M x Balls In Play.
Update: 6 ball multiball. Scoop is worth 2M x Balls In Play.
Original: Shoot 25 spinners in 25 seconds to score 25M. Each spinner hit scores 1M. Original text “ALL SPINNERS COUNT DOWN FOR 25 MILLION”.
Update: Shoot 25 spinners in 25 seconds to score 25M. Each spinner hit scores 250K. New text “5X SPINNERS- 25 SPINS FOR 25 MILLION”.
Psycho Pops
Original: Get 25 pop bumper hits in 25 seconds for 25M. Hitting any pop bumper when timer is below 9 seconds will reset the counter to 9 seconds.
Update: Get 15 pop bumper hits in 30 seconds for 25M. Hitting any pop bumper when timer is below 10 seconds will reset the timer to 10 seconds.
Robbing The Crypt
Original: 20 seconds. Crypt opens up. Any shot to the Crypt scores 10M and lights a CRYPT letter. Lighting all CRYPT letters scores 25M and ends mode.
Update: No change.
Skull Cracking
Original: You have 20 seconds to hit the captive ball. Each hit to the captive ball before timer ends will add-a-ball. After timer ends you can no longer add-a-ball. Mode will end after timer ends and only one ball is in play. 1st captive ball hit is worth 5M, 2nd = 10M, 3rd = 15M, 4th+ = 20M. Original text “CAPTIVE BALL SCORES 5 MIL & ADDS A BALL”.
Update: You have 20 seconds to hit the captive ball. Mode now starts with adding a second ball. Each hit to the captive ball before timer ends will add-a-ball and add 5 seconds to the timer. After timer ends you can no longer add-a-ball. Mode will end after timer ends and only one ball is in play. Captive Ball is worth 5M x Balls In Play. New text “CAPTIVE BALL- 5M PER BALL & ADDS A BALL”.
Super Crypt Kicker
Original: Crypt Kicker is active for the remainder of the current ball.
Update: No change.
Super Guillotine Targets
Original: 25 seconds. Drop targets start at 3M. Each drop target shot increases its value by 1M.
Update: No change.
Super Keeper Targets
Original: 25 seconds. Base 6M. All targets start at 2M. Each time hit, increases by 1M. Max 5M. KEEPER targets constantly flash. Mode will end prematurely if player reaches 99M. Original text “SHOOT THE KEEPER TARGETS FOR MULTI-MILLIONS”
Update: 30 seconds. Base 1M. All targets start at 5M. Each time hit, decreases by 1M. Min 1M. KEEPER targets flash until hit and then they stay solid. Hitting all targets grants 25 Million points, 25 MILLION is displayed on screen, sound call “Bury good!” is played, all targets start flashing again, can repeat this bonus. Mode will end prematurely if player reaches 99M (not counting 25M bonuses). New text “KEEPER SCORES MILLIONS. HIT ALL FOR JACKPOT”.
Original: 20 seconds. Shoot ramps for jackpot values. 1M, 4M, 7M, 10M, 13M, 15M (max)
Update: 20 seconds. Jackpot starts at 5M. Spinners increase jackpots by 1M per spin. Collect jackpot by shooting ramps. Jackpot resets to 5M every time you collect. Spinners play new different sound effect. New text “SPINNERS BUILD JACKPOT. COLLECT AT RAMPS.”
Werewolf Countdown
Original: 5M scored at start of mode. Left Spinner counts down from 30M. One shot to spinner scores value. Timer lasts 15 seconds and when it ends the counter is at approx 13M.
Update: 5M scored at start of mode. Left Spinner counts down from 30M. One shot to spinner scores value. Timer lasts 20 seconds and when it ends the counter is at approx 8M.
Tilt Warning
Original: Tilt can only be set to 0, 1, or 3 warnings. Default is 1.
Update: Tilt can be set to 0, 1, 2, or 3 warnings. Default is 2.
Adjustment 40 – Buyin Mode
Original: This is on by default.
Update: This is off by default.
Adjustment 41 – Restart Game
Original: This is on by default. Also, when turned off, game will still restart on Ball 3 when Start Button is pressed.
Update: This is off by default. Also, when turned off, game will no longer restart on Ball 3 when Start button is pressed. (Those with small children will appreciate this.)
Tournament Mode
Original: All Extra Ball awards will award 50 Million instead.
Update: All Extra Ball awards will award 20 Million instead.
Skill Shot
Original: There is no audio difference between a sucessful and an unsucessful skill shot.
Update: A sucessful skill shot will now play one of four random voice calls. “A hole in Juan!”, “Bury good!”, “Gore one for you!”, or “Par for the corpse!”.
Drop Targets Bonus Multiplier voice call
Original: When hitting all three drop targets, game always plays voice call “Bury good!”
Update: When hitting all three drop targets, game plays previously unused voice call “Put a little meat on your bonus”. Once max bonus is reached, game plays one of two randomly chosen unused voice calls of “One killion!” and “I’ve got a killion of ‘em!”
Ramp voice call
Original: Ramp entrance switches always play the same Crypt Keeper laugh.
Update: Ramp entrance switches sometimes plays one of two different Crypt Keeper laughs and most times plays gunshot sound effects.
Trick Shot
Original: Trick Shot plays “Engore!” quote.
Update: Trick Shot plays unused “What do ya know?!” quote.
Right Orbit
Original: Right Orbit plays “Who goes there?” quote
Update: Right orbit plays right-to-left panning splash sound effect
Left Orbit
Original: Left Orbit plays “Who goes there?” quote
Update: Left Orbit plays splash sound effect
Small and Large Trough
Original: Small Trough and Large Trough both play laugh sound effect.
Update: Small Trough and Large Trough play no sound effect.
Captive Ball
Original: Hitting non-bonus captive ball plays sound of axe chopping.
Update: Hitting non-bonus captive ball plays sound of axe chopping and one of two randomly chosen rarely played voice calls of “How’s this for chop security?” and “You axed for it!”
Mystery Door
Original: Mystery Door plays common voice call “Here today, leftovers tomorrow”
Update: Mystery Door plays one of two randomly chosen voice calls of “Gore one for you!” and unused voice call of “Welcome to my tomb with a view”.
Door Prize Video Mode
Original: Mode starts with no voice call.
Update: Mode starts with unused voice call “Open wide and say ahhhhhhhh!”.
Door Prize Video Mode
Original: Mode ends with thunder clap during hanging animation.
Update: Mode ends with unused voice call of “Hangman!” during hanging animation.
Electric Chair Multiball Mode
Original: Start of mode just plays sound effects.
Update: Start of mode plays same sound effects with unused voice call “Cook ‘em Danno!”
Electric Chair Multiball Mode
Original: When scoop shot is made, electrocution sounds are made.
Update: When scoop shot is made, electrocution sounds are made along with unused voice call of “Shocking!”
Frightmare Mode
Original: Start of mode has no voice call.
Update: Start of mode plays unused voice call “Hurry up kiddies”
Frightmare Mode
Original: Successful end of mode plays laugh.
Update: Successful end of mode plays unused voice call “Very unghoul”.
Psycho Pops Mode
Original: Successful end of mode plays voice call “Time for a chopping spree”.
Update: Successful end of mode plays thunder and rarely heard voice call “Par for the corpse”
Robbing The Crypt Mode
Original: Voice call “Vault! Who goes there?” is played at start of mode.
Update: Voice call “Vault! Who goes there?” is played at start of mode. Unused voice call of “Go for the vault” is played when ball is kicked out of scoop.
Skull Crackin’ Mode
Original: No second ball is kicked out automatically.
Update: When second ball is kicked out, rarely used voice call of “Two deads are better than one” is played.
Super Crypt Kicker Mode
Original: Start of mode plays common voice call “I’ve got good noose for you”.
Update: Start of mode plays unused voice call “I know you’ll dig this”.
Super Crypt Kicker Mode
Original: Activation of kicker plays common voice call “I’ve got good noose for you”.
Update: Activation of kicker plays bowling ball hitting pins sound effect to match animation.
Super Guillotine Mode
Original: Start of mode plays common voice call “Let’s go chopping!”
Update: Start of mode plays unused voice call “How about a little game of chops and clobbers?”
Super Guillotine Mode
Original: When hitting drop target, game plays guillotine chop sound
Update: When hitting drop target, game plays guillotine chop sound and male “ugh!” that coincides with head chopping animation.
Thunderstorm Mode
Original: Start of mode has no voice call.
Update: Start of mode plays unused voice call “Ready!”
Crypt Multiball Ready
Original: Timing of voice call is bugged and says “Come on into the c-if you dare”.
Update: Timing of voice call is fixed and says “Come on into the crypt, if you dare.”
Crypt Multiball Restart
Original: When multiball ends without a jackpot acheived, game plays “What a revolting development” but this call gets cut short by the following voice call of “Come on into the crypt”.
Update: When multiball ends without a jackpot acheived, game plays “What a revolting development” in its entirety before playing “Come on into the crypt”.
Fast Goring
Original: Voice call of “Let’s go chopping” at start of Fast Goring often gets cut short.
Update: Voice call of “Let’s go chopping” at start of Fast Goring will not get cut short.
Start of game
Original: Crypt Keeper says one of five voice calls…
Welcome to mass two pieces theater
Tales from the Crypt
Tonight’s terror tale confirms a man who has three balls
Time to assume the position, if you know what I mean
In tonight’s tale… “bore meets gore”
Update: Crypt Keeper says one of eight voice calls…
Welcome to mass two pieces theater
Tales from the Crypt
Tonight’s terror tale confirms a man who has three balls
Time to assume the position, if you know what I mean
In tonight’s tale… “bore meets gore”
Bon appetit kiddies, if you know what I mean
In tonight’s tale… “par for the corpse”
In tonight’s tale… “time for a chopping spree”
Outlane Voice Calls
Original: Plays one of these voice calls…
Pleasant screams
Time to assume the position
How about a little no vault insurance
What a revolting development
Here today, leftovers tomorrow
The screamiums’ll kill ya
Wanna join my fang club?
You must be choking
Update: Replaced voice calls used elsewhere with unused voice calls…
Time to assume the position
How about a little no vault insurance
How revolting!
Here today, leftovers tomorrow
The screamiums’ll kill ya
You must be choking
Original: A failed match will always play voice call of “Holy deadlock!”
Update: A failed match will now play one of four voice calls. “Holy deadlock!”, “What a revolting development!”, “How revolting!”, or “If at first you don’t succeed, die, die again”.
Game Over
Original: A bug prevented the voice call of “Til next time!” from ever playing.
Update: Fixed bug to properly play one of two voice calls. “Til next time!” or “See you next time fright fans!”
Fixed bug where the Launch lamp would remain lit if a locked mode is started.
Fixed bug where the Launch lamp would remain flashing if ball immediately drained and Freeze was activated right after Skill Shot.
Fixed bug where Left Ramp Entrance lamp would continue to flash when Multiball Restart Mode is activated.
Fixed bug where Lite Creature Feature lamps would be active during Skull Crackin’ mode.
Fixed bug where voice calls would often get cut short if player drained on the Left Outlane.
Fixed bug where player is not allowed to lock the Super Keeper Target mode.
Fixed bug where sometimes the Skill Shot would not register when ball hit the drop targets.
Fixed bug where Clone lamp would light solid for no reason after many Captive Ball shots.
Fixed bug where the final CRYPT lowering video when collecting “T” would not play.
Fixed bug where “Come on into the crypt” voice call would not always play when multiball has been qualified.
Fixed bug where “What a revolting development!” voice call would get cut short when Multiball Restart begins.
Fixed bug where voice call during Game Over animation would never play.
Fixed bug where Yo! Zombie Crypt Jam Is In The Vault video stops playing for a long time when Crypt Jam is ready.
Extended the intro to Crypt Jam to allow player to prepare.
Ramp behavior has been adjusted to simplify the rules and increase the Risk vs. Reward of attempting to get to the higher Fast Goring modes.
Left Ramp
Original: Game starts with 1 flashing.
1st shot -1solid (show bat animation 1)
2nd shot -1 solid, 2 flashing
3rd shot -1&2solid (show bat animation 2)
4th shot -1&2 solid, 3 flashing
5th shot -1&2&3solid (show bat animation 3)
6th shot -1&2&3 solid, 4 flashing
7th shot -1&2&3&4solid (show bat animation 4)
8th shot – all off – will advance next mode on RIGHT RAMP
9th+ shot -repeat above
In between balls, LEFT RAMP does not reset, RIGHT RAMP does reset to 1 flashing.
Update: Game starts with no lamps.
1st shot -1solid (show bat animation 1)
2nd shot -1&2solid (show bat animation 2)
3rd shot -1&2&3solid (show bat animation 3)
4th shot -1&2&3&4solid (show bat animation 4)
5th shot – all lamps off – will advance next mode on RIGHT RAMP, display will show “SHOOT RIGHT RAMP TO START FAST GORING”, and play sound call “Time for a chopping spree!”
6th+ shot -repeat above
In between balls, LEFT RAMP does not reset, RIGHT RAMP does reset to 1 flashing.
Right Ramp
Original: Starts with 1 flashing.
1st shot -1solid (Living Dead mode)
2nd shot -1 solid, 2 flashing
3rd shot -1&2solid (Chainsaw mode)
4th shot -1&2 solid, 3 flashing
5th shot -1&2&3solid (Grave Digger mode)
6th shot -1&2&3 solid, 4 flashing
7th shot -1&2&3&4solid (Play The Organ mode)
Will erroneously reset back to Living Dead mode
In between balls, LEFT RAMP does not reset, RIGHT RAMP does reset to 1 flashing.
Update: Ball always starts with 1 flashing (Living Dead)
Every 5th Left Ramp shot will advance Right Ramp in this manner:
starts with 1 flashing (Living Dead mode)
5th Left Ramp -1 solid, 2flashing (Chainsaw mode)
10th Left Ramp -1&2 solid, 3flashing (Grave Digger mode)
15th Left Ramp -1&2&3 solid, 4flashing (Play The Organ mode)
Shot to right ramp will activate currently flashing Fast Goring mode (if available), play sound call “Let’s go chopping!”, and all RIGHT RAMP and LEFT RAMP lamps will reset to off. Will not erroneously reset back to Living Dead mode.
In between balls, LEFT RAMP does not reset, RIGHT RAMP does reset to 1 flashing.
Fast Goring Modes
Living Dead – for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 250,000
Chainsaw – for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 500,000
Grave Digger – for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 750,000
Play The Organ – for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 1,000,000
Living Dead – for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 250,000
Chainsaw – for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 500,000
Grave Digger – for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 1,000,000
Play The Organ – for 15 seconds, all switches are worth 2,000,000

Terminator 2
Revision 8.4
17 May 2023


The L8.4 update initially was intended to be a small update mainly focused on the last few bugs that have been reported in various online forums. As work proceeded and additional bugs were added to the L8.4 schedule, the L8.4 became more complicated as the L-8 code was more deeply investigated especially during the analysis into the 255-Hits issue, and the PAPA lost super jackpot issue. Eventually we determined the nature of the bugs, were able to reproduce the problems in a controlled environment, and developed fixes where needed for the various coding issues.

After bugs were fixed, some time was spent adding new player-requested enhancements to the L8.4. One complaint was that the super jackpot is too predictable. Players can easily get super jackpot solely based on the position of the cannon during its swing. For L8.4 a new “Super Jackpot” adjustment was added to provide different behaviors in the 5-bank target lamp movements during super jackpot, thus adding to the challenge and excitement of game play. In order to make game play fair, the new super jackpot lamp behaviors also ensure that all players in a multi-player game get to have the identical experience, so that one player doesn’t get a more easier super jackpot attempt than another.

Since the PAPA super jackpot bug is considered a major reason that T2 was not a preferred tournament game, and since the bug is now deemed as fixed, the L8.4 efforts also focused on how the game behaves when Tournament Mode is enabled. With the L8.4 super jackpot code to give all players the same experience for new super jackpot attempts, it made sense to extend the idea into Tournament Mode for all game features so that all players in a multi-player game get the same experience, leveling the playing field, or so to speak. For L8.4 when game is in tournament mode, all players get the same database awards, video modes, 5-bank patterns for multiball and 5-bank lamp for jackpot.

Since a lot of tournaments forbid play of extra balls, initial consideration was given to also block extra balls when Tournament Mode is enabled however it was later noticed that an existing adjustment is already present. The “Max E.B. Count” adjustment can be set for no extra balls. It was noticed, however, when the game is set this way, the game still teases the player with extra ball lit and animations (while never actually giving it to the player) so L8.4 updates game behavior when the setting is for no extra balls. No longer will the extra ball be lit or its animation be shown. The idea is that when setting a game up for tournament mode, the operator should also set “Max E.B. Count” to no extra balls.
Lastly, for L8.4 some fun was added to attract mode, allowing prospective players to interact with the game during attract mode similar to Indiana Jones. The gun trigger can be pulled to trigger some sound effects and the start-button can also play some sounds (when zero or fractional credits). Like IJ, there is a quiet period involved to prevent overuse of this feature.
At 571 hours logged into L8.4 engineering efforts and countless hours by our community of beta testers, we are pleased to provide the pinball community with L8.4, setting a new standard for code quality, player experience and tournament mode action!
  • Added pre-menu report of CPU U6 Checksum value to report the ROM stored checksum value.
  • Removed the L8.3 Sound Test “Sound 05 Explicit Stop” code which was inadvertently in L8.3.
  • Fixed the L8.3 Function ID Overlap issue, now using non overlapping ID for the L8.3 function.
  • Fixed 5-bank “Targets Remaining” discrepancy w/lit targets when targets hit simultaneously.
  • Added feature adjustment “Cannon 1 hit” to restrict hunter ship hits per cannon shot to 1.
  • Fixed the PAPA Lost Super Jackpot bug when ball-popper hit during lengthy animation sequence.
  • Fixed the Payback Time Security Levels inserts misalignment issue after Security Pass award.
  • Fixed Bonus lamps at Tilt. Bonus-X lamps and Hold Bonus lamps cleared when player tilts.
  • Added feature adjustment “SS Autofire Time” to allow adjustment of the skillshot autofire timer.
  • Text correction, German “sek.” Changed to “Sek.” In menu system for abbreviated “seconds”.
  • Added feature adjustment “Super Jackpot” to adjust how 5-bank lamps behave for super jackpot.
  • Fixed auto-fire ball saver during first multiball so it always returns ball without loading cannon.
  • Tournament Mode Enhancement: Database awards same awards for all players.
  • Tournament Mode Enhancement: 5-bank lamp patterns for multiball start same for all players.
  • Tournament Mode Enhancement: 5-bank single lamp for jackpot same for all players.
  • Tournament Mode Enhancement: Video Mode same for all players.
  • Tournament Mode Enhancement: Gun-trigger during attract mode shows previous game scores.
  • Fix when Adjustment A.1 03 is set to “NO EX. BALL”, no EB animations and no lit-EBs.
  • Fixed issue where start-button would play sound when zero credits and attract sounds are off.
  • Added “L8.4” as new adjustment value for feature adjustment “Attract Mode”
  • For L8.4 attract mode, start-button will play sounds when there are zero credits.
  • For L8.4 attract mode, gun-trigger will play sounds.
Theatre Of Magic
Revision 2.0
12 October 2021


Changes designed and implemented by Soren Worre.

Based on the revision 1.3X software released in 1995 by Williams Electronics Games Inc.

The author would like to thank the designers of this pinball machine.

Special thanks to Ian Hawkesworth, Lars Kuemmerling and Steve Bowden.


A defect in the Trunk control that could cause it to stop working midgame is fixed.
Compensation for failing outlane ball saver.
Three new feature adjustments to aid fine tuning score balancing and mode difficulty.
Strategic Basement awards in competition play.
In competition play, the multiball is not started as compensation during ball search.
The revision 1.4H Tiger saw motor control is ported to this revision.
The display omits buy-in high scores when buy-in is disabled.


Better mechanical device stability for location as well as competition usage.
Better applicability in competition usage in all levels.
Minor bug fixes.

Detailed changes description

Reference to the revision 1.3X.

The Trunk error handling procedure has been refined to not give a false positive during normal playing conditions with a healthy Trunk mech.

With secondary function to reset the error state in case of genuine in-game Trunk error (stock ball situation).
When tournament play selected: Opening/closing the coin door will reset the Trunk error state.

New feature adjustment A.2 21 “Spell theatre”. Options: “Easy” and “Hard”.
Easy: As rev. 1.3X. Spell theatre is lit except in the modes: Theatre, Lock multiball and Grand finale.
Hard: On THEATRE advance, the Spell theatre light will go off. Making a major shot in the game will re-light it.
Major shots considered: Trunk loop both ways, Trunk, both ramps and the right orbit. Not the left orbit nor the Tiger saw captive ball.

Adjustment “Spell theatre” defaults.
Ex. easy, easy and medium pre-sets: Easy.
Hard and ex. hard pre-sets: Hard.

New feature adjustment A.2 22 “Combo max value”. Options: 8M – 80M in 4M steps. Default: “20M”.
On combo value build-up, when it reaches this value, it will stop incrementing.
Combo scoring will proceed at this value.

New feature adjustment A.2 23 “Bonus-x adv”. Options: “1” and “2”. Default: “1”.
Bonus-x increment for each top lane completion. 1 or 2. With 2 being 1x->2x on first completion.

New feature adjustment A.2 24 “Hocus 2nd saver”. Options: “No” and “Yes”. Default: “Yes”.
In single ball play only!
If the Hocus pocus outlane saver magnet fails, a compensation one shot ball saver will serve the ball to the plunger lane.
The feature only saves balls going to an outlane, that should have been saved to an inlane.

When tournament play selected: Basement awards.
A catch-up choice that will award progress on Illusions or Clock. Which ever is lacking behind the other.
If the clock is 10 or 11 am, Madness is awarded.
If the clock progress is less than the Illusions progress, Adv. clock is awarded.
Else Illusion is awarded.
Special cases:
Illusion is not awarded if achieved for this Grand finale, if already lit, if one is currently running or when other states where an Illusion cannot be started at the Trunk.
Adv. clock/Madness is not awarded if achieved for this Grand finale.
If Illusion is not available, Adv. Clock is awarded if not achieved for this Grand finale.
If neither is available, 20 Million is awarded.

When tournament play selected: Limited ball search. No compensation locked balls release or free multiball.

The Tiger saw motor control has been ported from the rev. 1.4H software. And slightly improved.
It runs for a solid two seconds on a captive ball hit. Instead of the very short pulse in the rev. 1.4H implementation.
In a Tiger saw mode and multiball stack, it stops when both modes are finished. And not when just the first of them finishes.
Tiger saw motor added to the solenoid test.

Feature adjustment A.2 12 “Trunk ball save” now has three options.
“No”: Trunk ball saver is disabled. This is default.
“Yes”: Rev 1.2 behaviour. Trunk ball saver is enabled for more Trunk hits.
“Once”: Rev 1.3X behaviour. Trunk ball saver is enabled for the first hit to the Trunk only.

The buy-in high scores are removed from attract mode DMD presentation and status report, when the buy-in feature is disabled.

The max bonus-x 5M is awarding 5M points.

Midnight is corrected to be at 12 AM. Not 12 PM.

Adjustment A.1 28 “Min. vol override” defaults to “Yes”.

Adjustment A.1 21 “Language” is limited to to “English”.


To be installed with the revision 1.3X (or earlier) security chip. Not the revision 1.4H one.

The false positive Trunk error trap was to start choiced Illusions by hitting the Trunk while rotating. Just before it reaches the open position.
The fix does not change the way the Trunk operates. Registering shots, the movement, timing etc.

Coin door error reset is designed for competition play, where a stock ball has caused the Trunk error.
Provided that the bottom coin door interlock switch is not fixed in the closed position.
Upon closing the coin door, allow a ball search to reset the Trunk to its correct position.

Spell theatre is always lit at start-of-ball.
Spell theatre is always lit when Theatre mode, Lock multiball and Grand finale finishes.

The Hocus pocus saver compensation works when the saver mechanism is broken (proximity switch or magnet).
But, requires inlane, outlane, trough and shooter lane switches to be in shape.

The Advance clock Basement award is +3.

The Tiger saw motor runs continuously in the Tiger saw mode and multiball.
And it is pulsed on a captive ball hit.
The motor is controlled by solenoid driver no. 19 (at J125-3 or J126-3).
Do not connect a motor directly. It must be connected via the proper EMI filter.

The Trunk ball saver is generally only active in non-mode play and with the Trunk at its passive position.

Max bonus-x is 8.


Copyright 1992, 2021 Williams Electronics Games Inc. & Planetary Pinball Supply Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Tommy The Who’s
Revision 5.00
Last updated May 4, 2016
Developer: Chad Hendrickson


Replace the existing ROMs in your game with these two new ROMs.
The CPU ROM can be found on the MPU board in the backbox at location C5.
The DISPLAY ROM can be found behind the DMD display in the backbox at location ROM0.


Tilt Warning
Original: Tilt can only be set to 0, 1, or 3 warnings. Default is 1.
Update: Tilt can be set to 0, 1, 2, or 3 warnings. Default is 2.
Adjustment 37 – Buyin Mode
Original: This is on by default.
Update: This is off by default.
Next Game Promotion
Original: Next game promotion for WWF Royal Rumble will never play regardless of adjustment setting.
Update: Next game promotion for WWF Royal Rumble will play if enabled in adjustments. Default is Enabled.
Original: Worth 25,000 during regular gameplay. Worth 50,000 when Double Spinner is active.
Update: Worth 50,000 during regular gameplay. Worth 100,000 when Double Spinner is active.
Special Is Lit
Original: No sound call associated with this event.
Update: Sound call now plays with this event.
Parachute Hole Skill Shot
Original: Starts at 10M. Increases by 10M per successful skill shot. Increases by 5M when ball is dropped into Parachute Hole during regular gameplay. Maximum value is 50M.
Update: Starts at 20M. Increases by 10M per successful skill shot. Increases by 5M when ball is dropped into Parachute Hole during regular gameplay. Maximum value is 60M. Can now be increased to 75M if player collects Mystery Award of Super Skill Shot (see below).
Ramp Skill Shot
Original: Worth 10M.
Update: Worth 10M and also advances Bonus Multiplier.
Adjustment 51 – Proprietary
Original: No effect on the game.
Update: Renamed to “Ball Save”. Allows the player to control the amount of switches hit at start of ball before Ball Save is turned off. Range is 1 to 9. Default is 4.
Silver Ball Target
Original: When not flashing this spots one hit on one of the silver ball targets. When flashing this scores 20M. Hitting this target also advances the next UJ to be awarded to be the next one that has not yet been collected.
Update: When not flashing this spots one hit on one of the silver ball targets. When flashing this scores 5M the first time, 10M the second time, and 20M all times thereafter. Resets back to 5M at start of each ball. Hitting this target also advances the next UJ to be awarded to be the next one that has not yet been collected.
There are 13 modes which are called Union Jack features. The game always starts with Christmas Union Jack flashing. The flashing Union Jack changes with every hit to the Pop Bumpers and the Silver Ball Target.
To collect the flashing Union Jack, shoot either the Left Scoop or the Right Scoop when lit. After collecting a Union Jack, you must shoot one of the orbits to relight it. You can normally relight the Union Jack during another mode; the only exceptions are if you have a multiball mode going, in which case starting other modes is disabled and you can’t relight the Union Jack either. If there is no Union Jack running, and the scoops are not lit, then either inlane will light the scoops for about two seconds. The Union Jack is automatically lit at the beginning of each ball.
At the completion of each Union Jack, you are told how many points you got for the mode, but the points are always awarded when you get them, not when this final tally is displayed.
Following are the 13 Union Jacks. Collecting the first 12 enables the Pinball Wizard mode. They are listed in the order that they rotate when the Pop Bumpers or Silver Ball Target are hit.
Original: 20 seconds. All playfield switches score 300K. Hitting any 3-bank target increases this value by 100K. The roving flashing target on the 3-banks adds 5M to the Christmas total. The orbit diverter is active during this round. The More Time target resets the timer to 20 seconds once.
Update: No change.
Cousin Kevin
Original: 20 seconds. The three ramp stand-up targets are flashing. The first time each ramp target is hit, it becomes lit and an additional ball is launched into play (thus you can get a maximum of 4 balls in play). When the timer has expired, play continues until less than two balls remain in play. The ramp targets are worth 5M throughout this round. No other rounds can be started during Cousin Kevin. The more-time target resets the timer to 20 seconds once. If multiball is lit, then it becomes unlit until this mode ends.
Update: 20 seconds. The three ramp stand-up targets are flashing. The first time each ramp target is hit, it becomes lit and an additional ball is launched into play (thus you can get a maximum of 4 balls in play). When the timer has expired the Blinder is turned on and play continues until fewer than two balls remain in play. The ramp targets are worth 5M during first part of this mode and then increase to 10M after the Blinder is turned on. No other rounds can be started during Cousin Kevin. The More Time target resets the timer to 20 seconds once. If multiball is lit, then it becomes unlit until this mode ends.
Holiday Camp
Original: Captive Ball value increases from 1M to 20M. Can be collected multiple times. Will not advance bonus multiplier.
Update: Captive Ball value increases from 25M to 50M. Can be collected multiple times. Will advance bonus multiplier.
Lite Extra Ball
Original: This feature lights an Extra Ball at the Genius Lane. If extra balls are disabled, then Extra Ball is still lit, but collecting it scores 25M instead.
Update: No change.
Silver Ball
Original: 20 seconds. The Silver ball is initially worth 10M, and the ramp targets score 5M. Collecting the Silver ball value increments all of these values by 5M. Values may be collected repeatedly. The More Time target resets the timer to 20 seconds once. It is possible to score over 100M in this round by pounding on the Silver Ball, and hitting the More Time target with only 1 or 2 seconds to get another 20 seconds with the higher silver ball value.
Update: No change.
Captain Walker Video Mode
Original: All targets score 1M.
Update: Blimps score 1M, planes score 2M, small buildings score 2M, large buildings score 3M. A new Adjustment 35 (Video Mode) with a default of ON gives the option of turning off this mode. If it is set to OFF then the mode will start, the plane will fly across the screen, the mode will end and the player scores 25M. Mode now starts with text “Target Buildings For Maximum Points”
Smash The Mirror
Original: 2-Ball multiball. Hit Mirror for progressive Jackpots of 5M, 10M, 15M, 20M, 25M after which the Mirror lowers and Tommy hole is lit for 50M after which the sequence repeats. The round ends when at least one ball drains. If multiball is lit, then it becomes unlit until this mode ends.
Update: 5-Ball multiball. Hit Mirror for progressive Jackpots of 5M, 10M, 15M, 20M, 25M after which the Mirror lowers, the Blinder is turned on, and Tommy hole is lit for 50M after which the sequence repeats but the Blinder remains on. The round ends when less than two balls remain in play. If multiball is lit, then it becomes unlit until this mode ends.
Fiddle About
Original: 20 seconds. 3-bank targets (all six) are lit for an initial value of 5M and remain flashing the entire time. Hitting any target increases its subsequent value by 1M, to a maximum of 10M per target. The More Time target resets the timer to 20 seconds once.
Update: 25 seconds. 3-bank targets (all six) are lit for an initial value of 10M and start off flashing. Hitting any target decreases its subsequent value by 2M, to a minimum of 2M per target, and sets the lamp to solid on. Hitting all six targets will score a 30M bonus and reset all the targets to 10M and flashing. The More Time target resets the timer to 25 seconds once.
Acid Queen
Original: This is a round during which the Right Scoop, Left Scoop, and Genius lane are lit for an initial value of 25M, counting down to 10M. Collecting any one of these shots scores that amount and adds 10M to the running value for the remaining two shots. Collecting another shot scores that amount and adds 10M to the remaining value. The round ends after the shots have counted down to 10M. There is about a 3 second delay once the counter has reached 10M. The More Time target does not apply.
Update: No change.
There’s A Doctor
Original: Starts with 5M. Pop Bumper hits are worth 1M only. Get 20 Pop Bumper or Slingshot hits in 25 seconds for 25M bonus. Hitting any Pop Bumper or Sling Shot when timer is below 2 seconds resets timer to 2 seconds. The More Time target resets the timer to 25 seconds once.
Update: Starts with 5M. Pop Bumper hits are worth 1M plus current Pop Bumper value. Get 15 Pop Bumper or Slingshot hits in 25 seconds for 30M bonus. Hitting any Pop Bumper or Sling Shot when timer is below 5 seconds resets timer to 5 seconds. The More Time target resets the timer to 25 seconds once.
Tommy Scoring
Original: 3-ball Multiball. The Blinder is active and all playfield switches score 500K. The round ends when fewer than two balls remain in play. No other rounds can be started during Tommy Scoring. The orbit diverter is active during this round. Don’t worry about losing all 3 balls suddenly. If you lose the 3rd ball as well, the ball saver kicks in and you get that ball back. If multiball is lit, then it becomes unlit until this mode ends.
Update: No change.
Sally Simpson
Original: 20 seconds. Ramps are lit for an initial value of 5M. Hitting the left ramp increases the subsequent value by 2M. Hitting the right ramp doubles the subsequent value. The More Time target resets the timer to 20 seconds once.
Update: 25 seconds. Ramps are lit for an initial value of 10M. Hitting the left ramp increases the subsequent value by 3M. Hitting the right ramp doubles the subsequent value. The More Time target resets the timer to 25 seconds once.
Pinball Wizard
Original: Must collect all previous 12 Union Jack modes to enable this mode. 6-ball Multiball. The Blinder is active and all playfield switches score 1M. Collecting 25 switch closures awards an additional 20M and the letter W. The next 50 switch closures awards 30M and the letter I. This continues for all letters in WIZARD, (Z=40M, A=50M, etc.). Completing a letter also launches an additional ball into play. The round ends when fewer than two balls remain in play.
Update: No change.
During single ball play, the Right Ramp advances towards lighting Mystery which can be collected at the Genius Lane. Mystery Awards used to be unevenly weighted and the player would have a greatly reduced chance of seeing some of the awards. These weightings have all been removed in v.5.00 and now all awards are evenly weighted, this gives the player a greater chance of experiencing more Mystery Awards. The following are the possible Mystery Awards.
2M Pops
Original: Set Pop Bumper value to 1M for duration of ball. Originally named “Million Pops”.
Update: Set Pop Bumper value to 2M for duration of ball. Reaching this amount is not possible during regular gameplay. Pop bumpers will flash for remainder of ball. Renamed to “2M Pops”.
Super Bonus X
Original: Set the Bonus Multiplier to 7X. Originally named “Max Bonus X”.
Update: Set the Bonus Multiplier to 8X. Reaching this amount is not possible during regular gameplay. Renamed to “Super Bonus X”.
Double Scoring
Original: All scoring is doubled for next 20 seconds. The Sling Shot targets are ignored. You cannot start Tommy multiball nor start a Union Jack mode. The More Time target resets the timer to 20 seconds once. Any bonuses (Silver Ball, Genius Lane, etc) collected during this mode will not be included in the end of mode score display, leaving the player to feel that this is a low scoring mode.
Update: All scoring is doubled for next 20 seconds. The Sling Shot targets are now scored. You cannot start Tommy multiball nor start a Union Jack mode. The More Time target resets the timer to 20 seconds once. Any bonuses (Silver Ball, Genius Lane, etc) collected during this mode are now included in the end of mode score display, truly reflecting the amount of points the player scored during this mode.
Silver Ball Max
Original: The silver ball is lit for 20M. Originally named “Silver Ball Lit”.
Update: The silver ball is immediately lit and is worth 20M when collected for remainder of ball after which it will return to 5M during start of next ball. Renamed to “Silver Ball Max”.
Super Skill Shot
Original: Raise the value of all subsequent skill shots to 50M. Game always erroneously shows “Skill Shot Grows 5,000,000”. Originally named “Max Skill Shot”.
Update: Raise the value of all subsequent skill shots to 75M. Reaching this amount is not possible during regular gameplay. Game now correctly shows amount increased for “Skill Shot Grows”. Renamed to “Super Skill Shot”.
Extra Ball
Original: Extra Ball is collected.
Update: No change.
Million Spinners
Original: Set spinners to maximum 1M per spin for rest of ball.
Update: No change.
Original: Multiball is started.
Update: No change.
Special Lit
Original: Special is lit at the Outlanes.
Update: No change.
Lyman Bonus
Original: Score 100M and collect Extra Ball. Go play the lottery if you ever collect this.
Update: No change.
If you dig deeper into the Mystery Awards, you will find Easter Egg awards named Lonnie Lambada, Crash CPU, $50 Cash, and Enable Free Play. These joke awards are not possible to be collected.
Multiball is lit by hitting the Mirror to spell TOMMY during single ball play. When completed, the Mirror lowers and Multiball is lit at the Mirror scoop and the Left Scoop. Regular Multiball is 4-Ball play; starting Multiball from the Left Scoop is only 3-Ball play. Subsequent Multiballs are not lit at the Left Scoop.
The auto-advancing of TOMMY letters is now fully customizable. See “Adjustment 48 – Multiball Ready Style” below for details. Multiball can be very lucrative, so you definitely want to go for it whenever it is lit.
Modes continue running during multiball (but they do pause the timers during the multiball opening animation) so stacking Multiball with a mode such as Christmas can be an excellent strategy.
There are several stages to multiball, and completing one stage lets you move on to the next.
Stage 1
Original: At the start of multiball, the left ramp is lit for Jackpot, and the right ramp for Double Jackpot. Initial jackpot value is 20M if you start at the Tommy hole, 15M if you start with the left scoop (or 40M and 30M for Double Jackpot). All playfield switches increase the Jackpot value by 200K, and the Double Jackpot value by 400K. Hitting the Tommy hole increases the Jackpot value by 2M, and the Double Jackpot value by 4M. Collecting any Jackpot launches an additional ball into play. When BOTH Jackpots are completed, both are relit and Stage 2 starts.
Update: No change.
Stage 2
Original: Collect either the single or double jackpot by shooting one of the ramps. Jackpots continue to rise by 200K/400K a switch, and the initial value is carried over from stage 1. After ONE of the two jackpots, an additional ball is launched into play, and you move on to Stage 3.
Update: Blinder is turned on. Collect either the single or double jackpot by shooting one of the ramps. Jackpots now rise by 500K/1M a switch, and the initial value is carried over from stage 1. After ONE of the two jackpots, an additional ball is launched into play, and you move on to Stage 3.
Stage 3
Original: The Tommy hole spots the letters T-O-M-M-Y and each one scores a 20M jackpot (which does not increase). No balls are added to play for collecting these jackpots. Completing TOMMY moves you to Stage 4.
Update: Blinder is turned off. The Tommy hole spots the letters T-O-M-M-Y and each one scores a 30M jackpot (which increases by 5M per shot). Two letters are already spotted at the start of this mode the first time. No balls are added to play for collecting these jackpots. Completing TOMMY moves you to Stage 4.
Stage 4
Original: The left ramp is lit for the super jackpot, and the right ramp is lit for the double super jackpot. The initial values are 250M and 500M respectively, and go up by 1M and 2M respectively for each playfield switch. Hitting the Tommy hole increases the Jackpot value by 4M, and the Double Jackpot value by 8M. You can only collect one of these two jackpots, so if you are going for the big points, avoid the temptation of shooting the much easier left ramp, and go for the right ramp. When you collect ONE of the super jackpots, you move to Stage 5.
Update: Super Jackpots: The left ramp is lit for the super jackpot, and the right ramp is lit for the double super jackpot. The initial values are 150M and 300M respectively, and go up by 1M and 2M respectively for each playfield switch. Hitting the Tommy hole increases the Jackpot value by 4M, and the Double Jackpot value by 8M. You can only collect one of these two jackpots, so if you are going for the big points, avoid the temptation of shooting the much easier left ramp, and go for the right ramp. When you collect ONE of the super jackpots, you move to Stage 5.
Stage 5
Original: You go back to stage 1 of the multiball, but the Blinder remains active. Initial jackpot values return to their original values.
Update: You go back to stage 1 of the multiball, but the Blinder remains active, and you do not get any new balls added if you collect a ramp jackpot. Initial jackpot values will now be double their base values (Stage 1/2 jackpot now starts at 40M, Stage 3 jackpot now starts at 60M, Stage 4 super jackpot now starts at 300M). If you make it back to Stage 3 then there will be no TOMMY letters spotted.
If you don’t collect at least one jackpot, then the Left Scoop and Mirror are relit for 2-Ball multiball (which is not as bad as it seems, because collecting a jackpot still adds a ball into play, so you can still end up with up to 5-Ball multiball).
After the first multiball, only the Tommy hole is lit to start/restart multiball.
If Adjustment 47 (Jackpot Criterion) is set to Extra Easy then the Blinders will not activate during Stage 2.
Adjustment 48 – Multiball Ready Style
Original: Has no effect on the game. Game always spots 3 TOMMY letters between balls. Player is guaranteed to have TOMMY spelled by third ball.
Update: Controls how many TOMMY letters are spotted between balls as detailed below.
EXTRA EASY will spot 3 letters (0 letters after multi-ball) – This is same as game played in v.4.00.
Ball 1 = T
Ball 2 = TOMM
Ball 3 = TOMMY (Multi-ball ready)
EASY will spot 2 letters (0 letters after multi-ball)
Ball 1 = T
Ball 2 = TOM
Ball 3 = TOMMY (Multi-ball ready)
MEDIUM will spot 1 letter (0 letters after multi-ball) – This is the default
Ball 1 = T
Ball 2 = TO
Ball 3 = TOM
HARD will spot 0 letters always
Ball 1 = T
Ball 2 = T
Ball 3 = T
EXTRA HARD will spot 0 letters and will reset to T between balls (will reset to nothing after multi-ball)
Ball 1 = T
Ball 2 = T
Ball 3 = T
Unique Combos
3 Way Combo: Right Ramp > Left Ramp > Right Scoop. Scores 10M.
3 Way Combo: Left Ramp > Right Orbit > Mirror. Scores 10M and advances two TOMMY letters.
4 Way Combo: Right Orbit > Right Ramp > Left Ramp > Right Scoop. Scores 20M.
4 Way Combo: Right Orbit > Right Ramp > Genius Lane > Mirror. Scores 20M and advances three TOMMY letters.
Building Combos
3 Way Combo: Left Ramp > Right Orbit > Right Ramp. Scores 10M.
Can build to a 4 Way Combo: Genius Lane. Scores additional 20M.
Can build to a 5 Way Combo: Mirror. Scores additional 10M and immediately lites Multiball Ready.
Miscellaneous Combos/Bonuses
One Way Combo: When Mirror is down at start of ball and player launches ball into play with a full plunge and immediately shoots the Tommy Hole from the upper left flipper. Scores 5M.
Sigma Bonus: Bounced off the right side of the Silver Ball Target and into the Tommy Hole when Mirror is down and Multiball is ready. Scores 10M.
Extra Ball Combo: From Lite Extra Ball at Right Scoop to Genius Lane where you immediately Collect Extra Ball. Scores 5M.
4 Engine Start Bonus: Four consecutive shots to the Left Ramp (only available during higher Captain Walker Bomb Dropping levels where it takes four or more Left Ramp shots to start the Captain Walker Spinner/Ramp Bomb Dropping mode). Scores 10M.
Lyman Bonus: If you drain on your last ball and are within 2M of the replay score, you will be awarded an extra 2M and you will get your replay award. Scores 2M.
Ramp Skill Shot: Shot to the Right Ramp after full plunge at start of ball. Scores 10M and increases Bonus Multiplier.
Race To Wizard: Start Pinball Wizard before ever starting a multiball. Scores 94M.
Parachute Sneak-In Award: Shot to the Parachute Hole during regular gameplay when Skill Shot is at maximum. Scores 1M.
Inlane/Spinner Combo: Shooting a Spinner after going through the Inlane on the opposite side doubles the value of that Spinner for that shot.
End Of Ball Bonus
Original: Left Ramps are worth 100K. Right Ramps are worth 200K. Modes started throughout entire game are worth 600K. Multiplied by the Bonus Multiplier. This bonus and the multiplier are reset at the beginning of each ball.
Update: Left Ramps are worth 500K. Right Ramps are worth 1M. Modes started throughout entire game are worth 1.2M. Multiplied by the Bonus Multiplier. This bonus and the multiplier are reset at the beginning of each ball.
Added previously unused voice call “Go to the mirror” to when Multiball is ready.
Extended time between repeating of Multiball Ready video so entire previously unseen video can play.
Extended time slightly before ejecting balls at start of Multiball so player can see entire video sequence.
Added previously unused voice call “Amazing journey” to end of Multiball if at least one Jackpot has been achieved.
Added sound effect to Pop Bumpers during There’s A Doctor. Previously these were quiet.
Added sound effect to 30M bonus when completing There’s A Doctor. Previously this was quiet.
Added sound effect to non-lit Stand Up Targets during Christmas. Previously these were quiet.
Added sound effect to non-lit More Time Target. Previously this was quiet.
Added “Acid Queen” voice call to successful bonus shots during Acid Queen.
Removed auto-adjusting Extra Ball feature from Genius and set it to always award Extra Ball on SUPER.
Increased value of spelling GENIUS from 15M to 20M.
Allowed Special Is Lit to be available on Ball 1.
Fixed bug where missed Skill Shot would show 0 Million occasionally.
Extra Ball Lit can be achieved by the Loop Combo on Ball 1 now.
Fixed bug where Pop Bumper lamps would turn off for rest of ball after There’s A Doctor mode ends.
Set Pop Bumpers to now flash when Mystery Award 2M Pops is collected or when pop bumpers reach 1M via regular gameplay.
Remapped some flashers to make more sense with gameplay.
Adjusted Mystery Award selections to all be evenly weighted (except for Mystery Award Lyman Bonus)
Increased Race To Wizard Bonus from 20M to 94M.
Fixed bug where Left Bank Targets do not properly flash at start of Christmas if this mode is started via Left Scoop.
Fixed bug where Slingshots would not score anything during Multiball, Double Scoring, Christmas, and Tommy Scoring.
Made it so all Bonus points add correctly to Double Scoring total.
Adjusted timing of End Of Ball Bonus screen to allow player to better read bonuses achieved.
When changing an Adjustment, the “pinball wizard” voice call will no longer get cut short.
Both spinners now activate nearby flashers.
Fixed graphical bug with Extra Ball and Multi Ball in Mystery Award.
Removed 1M bonus when aborting End Of Ball Bonus display.
Made it so if Bonus Multiplier is maxed out when you hit the Captive Ball then the player is granted 20M instead of 10M.
Lyman Bonus animation will now play if Adjustment 4 (Replay Awards) is set to Extra Ball. Previously this animation would only play if Adjustment 4 was set to Credit. It would always collect correctly, it just wouldn’t show the animation.
Lyman Bonus animation will pause longer to give player a chance to bask in its glory and see the total score.

Revision 3.04
Last updated September 6, 2023
Developer: Chad Hendrickson


Replace the existing ROM in your game with this new ROM.
The CPU ROM can be found on the MPU board in the backbox at location C5.


-Added “X-Files” video to the start of the very first ball of a game.
-Fixed an issue where the GI lighting could remain off when a game was restarted during bonus count.
-Added music to the previously silent “Standard ↔ Novice” game select screen at game start.
-Fixed an issue when adding multiple players, the “Character select” screen could disappear for “Player 1”.
-Fixed an issue where the Mulder speech call could be missing or get cutoff. If the ball got launched without selecting a character.
-Increased the time the Start button needs to be held to restart a game.
-Removed the 400K point award for launching a ball and implemented a proper Skill Shot instead.
-Added new Skill Shot.
There are 3 shots associated.
1. Shoot Left Outer Loop / Purple Arrow for 250K
2. Shoot Left Ramp / Red Arrow for 500K
3. Shoot Left Inner Loop / Yellow Arrow for 1M
The shots become available in the order shown above.
The order only proceeds if the shot has been made successfully.
If a shot is missed, the same shot will be available again on the next ball.
The Skill Shot is available until it has been successfully made or a “wrong” switch has been hit.
No timer involved!
Draining a ball while Ball Save is active will also end Skill Shot.  
When playing more than 3 balls during a game. Like having an Extra Ball and the 3rd Skill Shot has already been collected. The 3rd Skill Shot will become available again.  
-Reworked Ball Save logic.
Ball Save time no longer adjusts itself dynamically based on the average ball times from previous games.
Ball Save is now fixed to be always active for 10 seconds.
-Doubled Bonus progression for the currently selected Character.
Hitting any right 3-Bank target when playing as Mulder now increases bonus by 20K instead of 10K.
Hitting any left 3-Bank target when playing as Scully now increases bonus by 20K instead of 10K.
-Added new Bonus Held feature.
Bonus Held can be activated as one of the Mini Loop awards during regular gameplay once per game.
When Bonus Held is active the value from the current Bonus Count is saved and added again at the end of next Bonus Count.
The Bonus Held value is not affected by Bonus Multiplier the subsequent Bonus Count.
-Updated Bonus Count flasher sequence.
-Aborting the Bonus Count no longer awards 10K.
-Reworked EBE lane behavior.
Hitting an already lit lane will no longer spot an unlit lane.  Use Lane Change to help light unlit lanes.
EBE lane progress will now carry over between balls.
-Changed the sound for hitting EBE lanes.
-Completing EBE lanes again when Bonus Multiplier is already at 8X will now award 500K.  
Following applies to all Main Modes…
-Previously the game would silently award 200K points for shooting the Trap Door and then all modes would start with a 100K bonus.  This silent 200K points has been removed and the 100K mode start bonus has been increased to 300K.  This allows the player to see all the points they have been awarded for starting a mode.
-Fixed an issue where the sound for the “Mode Total” screen was not played properly when draining the ball while the mode was still running.
-GI lighting is now turned off during the Mode Start sequence. This helps highlight the initial mode shots.
-Changed the way the FBI rule works to open the Trap Door.
At the beginning of the game, the FBI lights are sweeping, requiring just one Right Ramp shot to open the Trap Door for Mode start.
After starting the first Mode, FBI now always need 3 Right Ramp shots to open the Trap Door again.
The game no longer spots FBI letters on its own.
However, spell FBI(Open Trap Door) can now be obtained as a Mini Loop award.
-Added a short flasher effect when the Trap Door opens once FBI is spelled. 
-Slightly sped up Herrenvolk initial bonus countdown.
-Changed the sound for collecting the Hurry-Up value at the Left Ramp.
-Fixed an issue where Herrenvolk wouldn’t time out properly if the Right Ramp was hit frequently in a row.
The Host
-Added right red arrow insert and Trap Door insert to the final shot of the mode, to better inform the player where to shoot.
-Fixed a display issue bug where the shot value shown on the display didn’t match the actual granted value for the shot.
-Updated scoring to be worth a little more.
Left Ramp 200K is unchanged.
Right Ramp now 400K, previously was 300K.
Trap Door now 600K, previously was 400K.
Total score possible is now 1.3M, previously just 1M. 
-Fixed an issue where the mode music sometimes wasn’t started properly.
-Completely reworked this mode to integrate previously unused Left and Right 3-Bank Targets.
The player had to complete 6 shots in a specific order within 30 seconds.
The order and values of the shots:
1: Left Ramp for 250K
2: Right Ramp for 300K
3: Right Outer Loop for 350K
4: Right Inner Loop for 400K
5: Left Outer Loop for 450K
6: Left Inner Loop for 500K
The player has to complete a total of 6 shots at both 3-Bank Targets within 30 seconds.
The sides change after 1 hit, the first shot is available at the Left 3-Bank Target.
The order and values of the shots:
1: Left 3-Bank. All 3 arrows are flashing, hitting any target will award 250K and lite the top arrow solid.
2: Right 3-Bank. All 3 arrows are flashing, hitting any target will award 300K and lite the top arrow solid.
3: Left 3-Bank. The center and lower arrows are flashing, hitting any of the two targets will award 350K and lite the top and center arrow solid.
4: Right 3-Bank. The center and lower arrows are flashing, hitting any of the two targets will award 400K and lite the top and center arrow solid.
5: Left 3-Bank. The lower arrow is flashing, hitting the target will award 450K and lite all 3 arrows solid.
6: Right 3-Bank. The lower arrow is flashing, hitting the target will award 500K and finish the mode.
The scores remain unchanged.
-Added logic to the Left Ramp Diverter to determine where the ball needs to go. This assists the player by returning the ball to the proper flipper to assist with the next 3-Bank Target shot.  
-Fixed a scoring display issue.
The game was showing “Shoot A Ramp!” with increasing values 200K, 300K, 400K, etc… when the correct value scored was always 100K.
It now properly displays “Shoot A Ramp!” 100K every time.
The increasing values it did show are related to the “Shoot The Hole” Hurry Up shot which becomes available after shooting a ramp.
-Added a short Trap Door flasher effect when the Trap Door opens for the “Shoot The Hole” Hurry Up.
-Changed the alert sound when the Trap Door Hurry Up timer is about to expire.
-Readjusted the limit for the “Shoot The Hole” Trap Door Hurry Up. The value used to be able to increase until 1M. It is now capped at 500K.  
-No change
Talitha Cumi
-Added logic to increase the payout of the Mode based on early success.
The logic now determines how many tries the player needed to find the Stiletto.
The game didn’t have logic to determine how many shots were made prior to finding the Stiletto.
The points just got added together.  
Incorrect hit [250K] Correct hit [500K]
The Mode Total result:
1st try 500K = 500K*
2nd try 250K + 500K = 750K*
3rd try 250K + 250K + 500K = 1M*
4th try 250K + 250K + 250K + 500K = 1.25M*
That means the more tries it took the higher the payout was. Which is backwards.
The game now keeps track of how many incorrect shots were made before the Stiletto was found.
Incorrect hit [100K] Correct hit [value] is now depending on how many tries were made.
The “Correct hit” values being: 1st 1.25M, 2nd 800K, 3rd 500K, 4th 200K.
The Mode Total result:
1st try 1.25M*
2nd try 100K + 800K = 900K*
3rd try 100K + 100K + 500K = 700K*
4th try 100K + 100K + 100K + 200K = 500K*
The player is now rewarded for finding the Stiletto with fewer tries.
*Not taken into account is the Mode Start value.
The time to complete the mode remains untouched and is still 30 seconds.
Hint: The game secretly tells you where the Stiletto is hidden during the Mode Start sequence. It’s at the flashing arrow, so pay attention!  
-Added a speech call to the previously silent Mode Start sequence.
-Reduced Terma initial bonus countdown start from 420K to 250K.
-Slowed down Terma countdown to make up for reduced countdown start value.
-Fixed an issue where the “Mode Total” screen was never displayed when the mode timed out before the Trap Door was hit.
-Fixed an issue with scoring where the default Mode Start value wasn’t properly granted.  
Smoking Man
-Fixed an issue where the mode music sometimes wasn’t started properly.
-Removed “lite Extra Ball” after making the final (4th) shot during Smoking Man and implemented previously unused Extra Ball Hurry Up feature instead.
-Added new previously unused Extra Ball Hurry Up feature.
The Hurry Up starts on its own after the final (4th) shot has been collected.
The Hurry Up lasts 15 seconds where the Right Ramp has to be shot once to achieve the Extra Ball.
Once the timer expires the Extra Ball can no longer be collected.
As long as the Hurry Up is active. No other modes and features can be started.
-Added new previously unused music to the Extra Ball Hurry Up mode.  
-Increased scoring for a correct answer from 300K to 500K.  
-Fixed an issue where the background music got quieter when any playfield switch was hit.
-Fixed an issue where the game would show a “Technician Alert” even though everything was working.
-Fixed an issue where hitting the Cabinet reset the ramp values to 500K instead of 100K.
-Changed the sounds of the Ramp and Cabinet Jackpots.
-Added a sound to the previously silent “Mode Total” screen.  
Cabinet Multiball
-Hitting the Cabinet during any Mode no longer counts progression towards Multiball.
However if the Cabinet was already in the down position prior to starting a Mode. Multiball can still be started. The Mode is paused until Multiball ends.
-Reduced the time the “Multiball Ready” display effect is shown, to be able to see the player scores more often.
-Hitting the Cabinet during Multiball now increases the Jackpot value by 10K instead of 25K.
-Playing as Scully now needs 7 instead of 5 hits to start the first Cabinet Multiball.
-Playing as Mulder now needs 5 instead of 3 hits to start the first Cabinet Multiball.  
Truth Multiball
-Changed magnet behavior when only 2 balls are remaining.
The magnet now only holds the ball for 10 seconds instead of unlimited.
-Changed the progression towards Truth Multiball start. It’s now always +1 for the next start.
Meaning if Truth took 5 “X” shots to start, then the next time it requires 6 “X” and then 7 “X”, etc.
-Changed sounds for hitting “Deny Everything” “Trust No One” “The Truth Is Out There” and Super Jackpot.  
-Added lane change feature for “X” shots when playing as Scully.
Prior to this change when playing as Scully. Both Return Lanes were always lit for spotting an additional timed “X” shot.
Now only one Return Lane is lit for spotting an additional timed “X” shot. The side can be “Lane Changed” by pressing a Flipper Button.
-Added limits for Truth “X” shots and Truth Cabinet Jackpots.
Initial “X” value being 250K can raise until 500K
Initial Cabinet Jackpot value being 500K can raise until 1M
-Reworked Truth Multiball to be a bit more challenging and increased scoring to equalize the new difficulty.
1: Collect every of the 6 “X” shots once for [200K] each.
2: Shoot Cabinet 3 times to collect “Deny Everything [200K]” “Trust No One [250K]” and  “The Truth Is Out There [300K]”
3: Shoot moving Cabinet for Super Jackpot [350K] and Add-A-Ball.
Repeat… shot values are doubling between each cycle.
4: Collect every of the 6 “X” shots once for [400K] each.
5: Shoot Cabinet 3 times to collect “Deny Everything [400K]” “Trust No One [450K]” and  “The Truth Is Out There [500K]”
6: Shoot moving Cabinet for Super Jackpot [550K] and Add-A-Ball.
Repeat… shot values are doubling between each cycle.
1: Shoot the 3 left “X” shots once “Left Outer Loop” “Left Ramp” “Left Inner Loop” for 250K each.
2: Shoot into the Cabinet for “Deny Everything” Jackpot for 500K*.
3: Shoot the 3 right “X” shots once “Right Ramp” “Right Inner Loop” “Right Outer Loop” for 275K each.
4: Shoot into the Cabinet for “Trust No One” Jackpot for 550K*.
5: Shoot all 6 “X” shots once for 300K each.
6: Shoot into the Cabinet for “The Truth Is Out There” Jackpot for 600K*.
7: Shoot moving Cabinet for Super Jackpot [650K] and Add-A-Ball.
Repeat… shot values are no longer doubling between each cycle. They just slightly raise.
8: Shoot the 3 left “X” shots once “Left Outer Loop” “Left Ramp” “Left Inner Loop” for 325K each.
9: Shoot into the Cabinet for “Deny Everything” Jackpot for 700K*.
10: Shoot the 3 right “X” shots once “Right Ramp” “Right Inner Loop” “Right Outer Loop” for 350K each.
11: Shoot into the Cabinet for “Trust No One” Jackpot for 750K*.
12: Shoot all 6 “X” shots once for 375K each.
13: Shoot into the Cabinet for “The Truth Is Out There” Jackpot for 800K*.
14: Shoot moving Cabinet for Super Jackpot[850K] and Add-A-Ball.
Repeat… shot values are no longer doubling between each cycle. They just slightly raise.
*Based on the base value for Truth Jackpot. Truth Jackpot can be increased during regular gameplay by completing Left 3-Bank Targets.
-Added new previously unused X-Files Champ High Score entry. The game keeps track of how many Main Modes (X-Files) were started. The player with the most modes played during a game gets the chance to enter their initials. The default score is 3.
-Added a previously unused display effect of “Plasma ball” to Attract Mode.
-Adjusted the default Replay value from 10M to 15M since average scores are higher now.
-Adjusted the default Volume after a Factory Reset from 15 to 5.
-Allow Adjustment 13 “Tilt Warnings” to be set to 0,1,2,3 instead of just 0,1,3. Default is 2.
-Activated previously unused Adjustment 47 Orbit Criterion.
This adjustment takes care of the progression for both Cabinet and Truth Multiball.
If this adjustment is set to “Extra Easy” or “Easy” the game will spot “X” shots and “Cabinet” hits between balls to make it easier to start a Multiball. (This was the Standard behavior at 3.03 and older code)
If this adjustment is set to “Medium(Default)” “Hard” or “Extra Hard” no shots will be spotted between balls.
-Added “Request Installed” sound to be played while making adjustments in Portals( Service Menu).
-Changed the Insert Credit noise from a speech call to a sound effect.
-Reworked Game Over Flasher sequence. It’s now prettier.
-Disabled “Film Star Reset” button in Portals>Adjustments>Film Star Reset.
Prior to this change, selecting this button did change all difficulty adjustments to “Extra Easy” without any warning or notice. To avoid accidentally pressing this, the button has been permanently disabled. If needed, difficulty settings can still be manually changed at Adjustments 6, 44, 46, 47, 48.
-Prevented the game from showing obsolete Sega phone number in Portals.
-Added an X-Files Loop combo shot.  Quickly shoot alternating Left Mini Loop and Right Mini Loop shots (or vice-versa) for 100K points. 
-Increased the time the Up-Post is active on Left and Right Orbit shots. This is to help improve the ball to get diverted into the Top Lane/Bumper area more often. The Up-Post is now active 3 times longer.
-Fixed an issue where the “Instant Info” display message could get stuck on the screen.
-Increased the time a flipper button needs to be held until “Instant Info” is shown from 2 seconds to 4 seconds.
-Reduced GI flashing by about half throughout the entire game.
-Added various new previously unused speech and sound effects throughout the game.
New Shoot Again sound effect added.
Added a speech call to the previously silent Cabinet “Sneak In”
And much more.
-Fixed an issue where the sound for hitting a Return Lane switch wasn’t properly played.
-Rearranged the order the coils are activated during ball search. To speed things up when a ball is stuck in the VUK.
-Reworked “Looping Ramp” feature at the Left Ramp. To be more achievable for anyone.
Increased the time the Left Ramp shot can be looped from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.  
Initial ramp value starts at 50K.
Ramp value raises by 50K if hit within the timeframe and restarts the timer.
Max. Ramp value is 500K.
Ramp value resets to 50K when the timer expires.
Looping Ramp ends early if the ramp shot awards something else like Tooms, etc…
Looping Ramp is only available during Main gameplay, never during Modes and Multiballs.
-Reworked “Mini Loop” feature.
Adjusted the thresholds when Mini Loop awards were given from 4,11,24,39,60,85 to 4,8,12,16,22,28 total shots.  This allows more Mini Loop awards to be collected more often.
Added more Mini Loop awards:
4 shots 300K points.
8 shots Bonus Held.
12 shots Spell FBI(Open Trap Door) If Trap Door is already open then award 300K instead.
16 shots Increase Bonus X If Bonus multiplier is already at MAX then award 300K instead.
22 shots Lite Special at one Out Lane.
28 shots Spell FBI(Open Trap Door) If Trap Door is already open then award 300K instead.
-Fixed an issue where some switch hits weren’t properly registered by the game if the switch was triggered very shortly.
-Super Pops now lasts for the rest of the ball instead of just two more visits to the Pop Bumper area.
-Super Pops now requires less hits to activate. Now 40, 50, 60… instead of 55, 66, 77…
-Readjusted scores for switches in the Subway ramp. Previously they were 5130 each, now they are 510.
-Readjusted score for hitting the Cabinet from 100K to 25K.
-Removed Ramp Shot from being granted if Ramp Entrance switch is hit and then Return Lane switch is hit within 3 seconds. This was originally implemented to make up for a faulty Ramp Switch. However, in a well maintained machine, this only causes confusion.
-Slightly tweaked Tooms.
Allow maximum Tooms score to be 1M instead of just 920K
Increased GI flash at start of Tooms. 5 flashes instead of 2 flashes.
Music is now silenced shortly at start of Tooms to hear speech call better.

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