RocketCPU launch in 3.. 2.. 1.. 🚀✨
France, February 17, 2022 – The PinSound Team is proud to announce the release of the RocketCPU! It has been a long way and this new CPU replacement board is now in stock.

RocketCPU is a replacement CPU board especially designed for WPC pinball machines.
Integrated No More Reset
Tired of untimely resets? Weak +5V power supply? Good news, the No More Reset feature is already integrated onto the RocketCPU.

Ready To Play service
Don’t feel like swapping components from your existing CPU yourself? Select the Ready To Play service and receive your RocketCPU fully equipped. Just put it in your pinball machine and you are ready to play!

Modern technology for your collectible machine
Just like every other products, we added new features to the CPU board so that your game feels like new and enhanced. Low time keeping drift thanks to the ultra precise clock and RTC oscillators, lithium coin cell battery CR2032, socketed component for easy and fast swap, NVRAM ready with a dedicated socket, to name a few. Furthermore, we meticulously followed the original specification to guaranty a fully compliant board running the pinball machine game code.
Acid damage, missing or broken CPU: take care of your pinball machine with the RocketCPU board designed with 2022 technologies!

Compatible with every
Bally Williams WPC89 Pinball machines